CPU Usage and Load



This plugin checks the docker container internal CPU usage, it retrieves the values using docker stats. The plugin outputs also the performance data.

Current Version


Last Release Date

December 22, 2016

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Project Notes
This plugin checks the docker container internal CPU usage, it retrieves the values using docker stats. The plugin outputs also the performance data. Requirements - Docker 1.5.0 or higher - The script requires sudo permissions due docker (this can be prevented if nrpe user is added to docker group) Usage sudo ./check_container_cpu.sh -w -c Output OK - if the CPU usage is under the warning and critical thresholds WARNING - if the CPU usage is equal or over the warning threshold and it is under the critical threshold CRITICAL - if the CPU usage is equal or over the critical threshold UNKNOWN - if the container does not exist Examples $ sudo ./check_container_cpu.sh container -w 80 -c 95 OK - CPU Usage = 7% | CPU Usage=7%;80;95;0;100 $ sudo ./check_container_cpu.sh container -w 80 -c 95 CRITICAL - CPU Usage = 97% | CPU Usage=97%;80;95;0;100 $ sudo ./check_container_cpu.sh notexist -w 80 -c 95 UNKNOWN - notexist does not exist. For more info visit: https://github.com/ninoabbate/nrpe-plugins#check_container_cpu
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