Microsoft Exchange

Check Exchange Databases and Queue


Plugin for nagios to check Exchange Server 2007,2010,2013,2016.
can check if all Exchange Databases are mounted, and Exchange Queue.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI


Project Notes
### Description: Plugin for nagios to check Exchange Server 2007,2010,2013,2016. can check if all Exchange Databases are mounted, and Exchange Queue. ### Auther: Yossi Bitton Date: November 2018 Version 1.1.0 #### PARAMETER CheckType "DBStatus" - Check all exchange databases if mounted or not, return Critical if one database is not mounted. "Queue" - Check all queue in exchange server if empty or not. if queue items greater than Warn or Crit. #### PARAMETER ExchangeVer (Optional) "2007" , "2010", "2013" ,"2016" - not needed, the plugin automaticly get the exchange version, and load the relevant PS-Module. #### PARAMETER Warn integer - Used for test Queue, set the number of items in queue. #### PARAMETER Crit integer - Used for test Queue, set the number of items in queue. #### PARAMETER Debug Debug Mode. ### EXAMPLE Check all exchange db status: .check_exchange.ps1 -CheckType DBStatus .check_exchange.ps1 DBStatus Check exchange queue .check_exchange.ps1 -CheckType Queue -Warn 10 -Crit 50 this command also works, using args position: .check_exchange.ps1 Queue 10 50 ### Instalation #### NSClient with NSC.ini config file (old version) Edit NRPE config: Edit NSC.ini or nsclient.ini and add the following line under section: [Wrapped Scripts] check_exchange=check_exchange.ps1 $ARG1$ [Script Wrappings] ps1 = cmd /c echo scripts%SCRIPT%%ARGS%; exit($lastexitcode) | powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -command - #### NSClient with nsclient.ini config file (new version) add the followings lines under: [/settings/external scripts/scripts] check_exchange = cmd /c echo scriptscheck_exchange.ps1 $ARG1$ ; exit($lastexitcode) | powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -command -
Reviews (1) Add a Review
by damned, December 31, 2019

Great, it works very well and documentation is very complete!

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