


This is Powershell script for Microsoft Cluster (Hyper-V) 2008/2012 for checking free space in all yours CSV (cluster shared volumes).

Current Version

Last Release Date

September 28, 2016

Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x


Project Files
Project Notes
I used the script for checking amount of free space in my cluster shared volumes. Scrip grabs list of ALL yours CSVs and check which are going to full. There are thresholds for Warning and Critical (%). CSVs that exceeded warning or critical threshold will be outputed to nagios. So you will be aware in time. Setup: 1. Download script check_all_csv_frespace.ps1 and put it on all nodes of your Cluster. So if Cluster Owner will be changed your check will be not broken. 2. Configure you nsclient.ini files. Specify new check definition in sections: [/settings/external scripts] allow arguments = true allow nasty characters = true timeout = 200 [/settings/external scripts/scripts] check_all_csv=cmd /c echo scriptscheck_all_csv_frespace.ps1 $ARG1$ $ARG2$ | powershell.exe -command - 3. NSClient++ service must work under account with sufficient permissions for run powershell and connect to cluster. Restart NSclient service. 4. In commands.cfg: #Example: ./check_nrpe -H msfailvercluster_dns_name -c check_all_csv -t 200 -a 5 2 define command{ command_name check_all_csv command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$ -t $ARG3$ -a $ARG4$ $ARG5$ } 5. Define the service in windows.cfg (for example): define service{ use generic-service host_name HVFAILOVERCLUSTER service_description CSVs Free Space check_command check_all_csv!check_all_csv!200!5!2 normal_check_interval 20 retry_check_interval 10 notification_interval 0 notes Check free space in ALL CSVs of Failover Cluster. } Check config & reload & enjoy!
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