


Nagios Check for NAS QNAP via SNMP and bash script. based on check_qnap and check_qnap2

Current Version


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Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI




Project Notes
Check for NAS QNAP using SNMP and bash script. Based on two different version of check_qnap: - version 1.03 from: http://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Plugins/Hardware/Storage-Systems/Others/check_qnap/details and - last version from: https://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Plugins/Hardware/Storage-Systems/Others/check_qnap2/details Fixed minor errors, introduced more check and did some cleanup of the status information and performance info. Monitoring of: - System Information - HD Status (for all disk into NAS) - Temperature system - Temperature disks - Status RAID volume - CPU usage - Memory usage - Diskspace usage - Uptime (System and Network) - Fans (for all fan) Tested on a Qnap TS-853U-RP Add to Nagios commands.cfg: define command{ command_name check_qnap command_line $USER1$/check_qnap3.sh $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$ $ARG4$ $ARG5$ } Use for example this check_command into service definition: check_command check_qnap!$HOSTADDRESS!public!diskused!80!90
Reviews (4) Add a Review
by foster, June 30, 2019

The plugin work well. But when my NAS is off, all the services have the status "ok", however, the results are empty. Is it normal? (I am a beginner on Nagios) Thanks

works well with adjustments
by pylgrym, November 30, 2017

It mostly works, and does what we need. However, I fixed a few things to make it work better. - The volstatus check, I change -le (less-equal) to -ge (greater-equal) e.g. if [ "$VOLPCT" -ge "$strCritical" ]; then .. Otherwise, it would report as 'critical', that you haven't flooded the drive.. - also in volstat, I change the awk part to this: awk -F: '{print substr($2,2)}' otherwise it can't handle spaces in the status text, which in our case meant it wouldnt show the relevant error text. but otherwise, a great plugin that is easy to adjust.

Great Plugin
by chameo, March 31, 2017

Works perfect with our TS-253A, TS-269Pro and TS-EC880U. The only problem was the volstatus, it take some time to figure out that the values are for the free disk space and not the used disk space

Very good but..
by damned, November 30, 2016

A very complete plugin but with some problems with big disks.. Volume #1: CRITICAL: Unknown, Total Size (bytes): 3.5, Free: 732.6 (20931%)|FreeSize_Volume-1=20931%;1;2;0;100 CRITICAL: Total:3TB - Used:2TB - Free:0GB = 79%|Used=2857.36;35;71;0;3590.00

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