* Generic



This nagios plugin checks lag members on Ethernet switches and controls if they are active. It queries the LAG MIB (.1.2.840.10006.300.43).

Current Version


Last Release Date

May 23, 2016

Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x

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Project Notes
This nagios plugin checks lag members on Ethernet switches and controls if they are active. It queries the LAG MIB (.1.2.840.10006.300.43). For each ethernet port, it compares Lag Port Actor Oper Key (.1.2.840.10006.300. and interface idx (. If they are the same or if Port Actor Oper Key is zero, it means this interface is not part of an aggregate. It they are different, it compares selected Lag Port Actor Oper Key (.1.2.840.10006.300. and attached LAG idx (.1.2.840.10006.300. If they are different, we consider this port as Inactive in LAG. This plugin works with lacp or static aggregate. For now, it supports only snmp v2. I plan to support v1 and v3 in the future. It has been tested with following hardware: Cisco SG300 Dell N2048 Dell N4064 Usage: ./check_lag.py -h Usage: check_lag.py [options] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -H HOST, --host=HOST Host Name -c COMMUNITY, --community=COMMUNITY SNMP Community Name. [Default:public] Example: ./check_lag.py -H net001.ioxar.fr OK: 1 port is active in lag ./check_lag.py -H net002.ioxar.fr No lag is defined ./check_lag.py -H net007.ioxar.fr CRITICAL: Port gigabitethernet2 is inactive in Po1 Port gigabitethernet6 is inactive in Po2
Reviews (1) Add a Review
by SicherByte, May 31, 2016

By coincidence, two LACP-/LAG-related plugins (this one and check_lacp_ports) have been submitted almost simultaneously. It seems that both approach the problem in different ways. As the author of check_lacp_ports, I am interested in putting the efforts together.

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