Java Applications and Servers

IBM Connections plugins


Nagios Plugins for IBM Connections

These Nagios Plugins can be used to monitor an IBM Connections environment.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 4.x



Project Notes This plugin will login to IBM Connections and do a search. Then it will compare the serach index date/time with the actual date/time. Example check command: -H $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ -u $ARG4$ -p $USER4$ -H: IBM Connections Hostname -w: warning if search index is older than w hours -c: critical if search index is older than c hours -u: username which can login and search the index -p: password of this user Sample results: Status OK - Search Index date 2015-11-10 12:41:02 Status Warning - Search Index older than 4 hours - Search Index date 2015-11-10 12:41:02 Status Critical - Search Index older than 8 hours - Search Index date 2015-11-10 12:41:02 This plugin will directly connect to the DB2 database of IBM Connections and will get all Communities without an owner Example check command: -H $ARG1$ -u $ARG2$ -p $USER13$ -w $ARG3$ -c $ARG4$ -H: DB2 Hostname or IP address -u: DB2 username which can search the databases -p: password of this DB2 user -w: warning if there are more than w communities without an owner -c: critical if there are more than c communities without an owner Sample results: Communites are OK, 1 Communities without an owner: WGC Fotos ID: 0af79ebe-a381-451c-a305-7373w788e7ec Warning - 1 Communities without an owner: WGC Fotos ID: 0af79ebe-a381-451c-a305-7373w788e7ec Critical - 1 Communities without an owner: WGC Fotos ID: 0af79ebe-a381-451c-a305-7373w788e7ec This plugin will directly connect to the DB2 database of IBM Connections and will get all Communities without any activity since x days Example check command: -H $ARG1$ -u $ARG2$ -p $USER13$ -w $ARG3$ -c $ARG4$ -H: DB2 Hostname or IP address -u: DB2 username which can search the databases -p: password of this DB2 user -w: warning if there are more than w communities without an owner -c: critical if there are more than c communities without an owner Sample results: Communites are OK Warning: There are communites which were not updates since 1460 days WGC Fotos Eclipse RCP Entwicklungen Critical: There are communites which were not updates since 1460 days WGC Fotos Eclipse RCP Entwicklungen
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