

Plugin designed to check value of some records of a zone by parsing the BIND zone file.

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Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x



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Project Notes
Best way to use it is call thisplugin from another bash script with all parameters to check, like this: [root@nagios-devel:~]# cat /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_zone_record_value_-_contingencia_e-test.com.br #!/bin/bash /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_zone_record_value -c 1 -f '/var/named/chroot/dbfiles_external_contingencia/db/e-test.com.br.zone' --ns ns1.test.com.br. --ns ns2.test.com.br. --ns ns3.test.com.br. --mx 0:etest-com-br0c.mail.protection.outlook.com. --a --a --a acesso: --a acesso1: --a bandeirante: --a centraldeservicos: --a centralservicos: --a cob: --a cob-h: --a cobranca: --a ctt: --a execplan: --a ftp1: --a gbbd: --a ged: --a gestor: --a gestorp: --a imap: --a kacev2: --a mediaservices: --a metropolitana: --a mobile: --a mobilebanking: --a mobilectt: --a mobileib: --a mobileservices-homo: --a mobileservices-prod: --a nimsoft: --a orquestra: --a pep: --a perdiminhasenha: --a pop: --a portal: --a portalsc: --a portalv1: --a portalv2: --a sa: --a simuladores: --a sisda: --a sisdacob: --a siteubr: --a smtp: --a sobras: --a sop: --a sura: --a tecnobi: --a testnet: --a testnetp: --a vpn: --a vpnssl: --a vpnssl2: --a webmail: --a www: --cname autodiscover:autodiscover.outlook.com. --cname lyncdiscover:webdir.online.lync.com. --cname modulo:gbbd --cname msoid:clientconfig.microsoftonline-p.net. --cname sip:sipdir.online.lync.com. --cname vulpecula:pep --srv _sipfederationtls._tcp:1:100:5061:sipfed.online.lync.com. --srv _sip._tls:1:100:443:sipdir.online.lync.com. --txt '"v=spf1 include:spf.protection.outlook.com -all"' --------------------------------------------------------- OK - Checked "66" records. None problem found.|"Total Checks"=66;;0; "Total Errors"=0;;0; "A Errors"=0;;0; "NS Errors"=0;;0; "MX Errors"=0;;0; "PTR Errors"=0;;0; "SRV Errors"=0;;0; "TXT Errors"=0;;0; "CNAME Errors"=0;;0; [root@aquila:NS3:~]# bash /tmp/check_ check_read_only_fs check_zone_record_value_-_contingencia_e-unicred.com.br CRITICAL - Found "9" problems of "67" records checked: A (Errors: 5, Names:, ctt, metroolitana, mobilservices-prod, www), CNAME (Errors: 2, Names: modulo, si), SRV (Errors: 1, Names: sipdir.online.lync.com.), TXT (Errors: 1, Names: "v=spf1 iclude:spf.protection.outlook.com -all")|"Total Checks"=67;;0; "Total Errors"=9;;0; "A Errors"=5;;0; "NS Errors"=0;;0; "MX Errors"=0;;0; "PTR Errors"=0;;0; "SRV Errors"=1;;0; "TXT Errors"=1;;0; "CNAME Errors"=2;;0; --------------------------------------------------------- [root@nagios-devel:~]# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_zone_record_value --help Version: Script : check_zone_record_value Version : 1.0.0 Author : Otavio Gloria (og@e-trust.com.br) Criation: 02/06/2015 Usage: check_zone_record_value -[h|u|v] [--help|--usage|--version] check_zone_record_value -f [-w|-c ] [-i] check_zone_record_value -f --a|--ns|--mx|--ptr|--srv|--txt Help: Nagios plugin to check if some bind record has some value analizing a zone file. Parameters: -h|--help Show a help message. -u|--usage Show how to use this plugin. -v|--version Show plugin version. -f|--file Path to bind zone file to be checked. -w|--warning Warning threshold. Must be a integer. -c|--critical Critical threshold. Must be a integer. -i|--info Return just information state. Never alert. --a Check A record type --ns Check NS record type --mx Check MX record type --ptr Check PTR record type --srv Check SRV record type --txt Check TXT record type --cname Check CNAME record type Record checks data sytax: --a ipv4 --a name:ipv4 --ns value --ns name:value --mx priority:value --mx name:priority:value --ptr ip:name --srv priority:weight:port:value --srv name:priority:weight:port:value --txt 'text' (Must be between single quotes) --txt 'name>:text' (Must be between single quotes) --cname name:name Data types: IPv4 address like or Peace of IPv4 address like 154 or 249.10 or 9.78.151 Can be a single text string like web-server or www69 Can be a FQDN like test.com.br or exemplo.com. Can be @ that represents $ORIGIN Can be a single string like ns2 or srv-01 Can be a FQDN like test.com.br or mail.google.com. A integer number only A integer number only A integer number only Can be a string with space, igual, colon and quotes Examples: check_zone_record_value -f /var/named/zones/test.com.zone --a test: --cname www:webserver check_zone_record_value -f /var/named/zones/test.com.zone --txt '@:v=spf1 include:spf.protection.outlook.com' check_zone_record_value -f /var/named/zones/test.com.zone --mx 0:test.mail.protection.outlook.com. check_zone_record_value -f /var/named/zones/test.com.zone --srv _sip._tls:1:100:443:sipdir.online.lync.com. check_zone_record_value -f /var/named/zones/test.com.zone --ns ns1.test.com. check_zone_record_value -f /var/named/zones/152- --ptr 154:mail.test.com. check_zone_record_value -f /var/named/zones/test.com.zone -w 1 -c 5 --ns ns1.test.com. --ns ns2.test.com. --mx 0:test.mail.protection.outlook.com. --a ns1: --a ns2: --a test: --a smtp1: --a nagios: --a webserver:192.168.3. --cname www:webserver --srv _sip._tls:1:100:443:sipdir.online.lync.com. --txt '@:"MS=ms89157621"'
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