

A single nagios checks summarizing a list of urls from file or stdin.

This is useful if you’ve got a cluster and want to alerting on the overall health, and the hostnames are coming from some cloud. The hostnames can be pulled from whatever cloud api and piped into this for a healthcheck of the cluster.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x




Project Notes
Usage of ./cmd/check_http_bulk: Read hostnames from a file or STDIN and do a single nagios check over them all. Just check for 200s. Warning and Critical are either percentages of the total, or a regular numeric thresholds. The output contains the hostname of any non-200 reporting hosts (see -silence). Skip input lines that are commented out with shell style comments like /^#/. Do Head requests since we don't care about the content. Make this optional some day. The -path is appended to the hostnames to make full URLs for the checks. If the -urls option is specified, then the input is assumed a complete URL, like http://$hostname:$port/$path. Examples: ./someCommand | ./check_http_bulk -w 1 -c 2 -path '/api/aliveness-test/%2F/' -port 15672 -file - -auth zup:nuch ./check_http_bulk -urls -file urls.txt -auth="": Do basic auth with this username:passwd - ignored if urls is specified - make this use .netrc instead -c=20: critical level - number of non-200s or percentage of non-200s (default is numeric not percentage) -file="": input data source: a filename or '-' for STDIN. -name="": a name to be included in the check output to distinguish the check output -path="": optional path to append to the input lines including the leading slash - these will not be urlencoded. This is ignored is the urls option is given. -pct=false: interpret warming and critical levels are percentages -port=80: optional port for the http request - ignored if urls is specified -silence=false: don't make a huge list of all failing checks -t=2: timeout in seconds - don't wait. Do Head requests and don't wait. -urls=false: Assume the input data is full urls - its normally a list of hostnames -v=false: verbose output -w=10: warning level - number of non-200s or percentage of non-200s (default is numeric not percentage) -workers=1: how many workers to do the requests
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