Clustering and High-Availability [Hadoop] (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)


Checks IBM BigInsights Hadoop Services (Map/Reduce, HDFS/GPFS, BigSQL, HBase etc) via BigInsights Console REST API

Checks either a given service or all services managed by BigInsights Console.

– Checks service Running
– Checks service last check lag time in seconds. It is normal for checks to occur 20 secs apart by default in BigInsights Console so the warning and critical thresholds default to 30 and 60 seconds respectively. Tunable via –warning/–critical switches
– outputs graphing perfdata of the check lags

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 2, 2014

Compatible With

  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI


Project Notes
Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection. Download it here: usage: [ options ] -H --host IBM BigInsights Console host ($BIGINSIGHTS_HOST, $HOST) -P --port IBM BigInsights Console port ($BIGINSIGHTS_PORT, $PORT, default: 8080) -u --user IBM BigInsights Console user ($BIGINSIGHTS_USERNAME, $BIGINSIGHTS_USER, $USERNAME, $USER) -p --password IBM BigInsights Console password ($BIGINSIGHTS_PASSWORD, $PASSWORD) -S --service Check state of a given service (checks all services by default). Use --list-services to see valid service names --list-services List services -T --tls Use TLS connection --ssl-CA-path Path to CA certificate directory for validating SSL certificate (automatically enables --tls) --tls-noverify Do not verify SSL certificate (automatically enables --tls) -w --warning Warning threshold or ran:ge (inclusive, default: 30) -c --critical Critical threshold or ran:ge (inclusive, default: 60) -t --timeout Timeout in secs (default: 10) -v --verbose Verbose mode (-v, -vv, -vvv ...) -h --help Print description and usage options -V --version Print version and exit
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