Clustering and High-Availability [Hortonworks Hadoop] (Advanced Nagios Plugin Collection)


Checks Hadoop node and service states via Ambari REST API

Current Version

Last Release Date

April 14, 2014

Compatible With

  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI


Project Notes
Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection. Download it here: usage: [ options ] -H --host Ambari host ($AMBARI_HOST, $HOST) -P --port Ambari port ($AMBARI_PORT, $PORT, default: 8080) -u --user Ambari user ($AMBARI_USERNAME, $AMBARI_USER, $USERNAME, $USER) -p --password Ambari password ($AMBARI_PASSWORD, $PASSWORD) -C --cluster Cluster Name as shown in Ambari (eg. "MyCluster") -S --service Service Name as shown in Ambari (eg. HDFS, HBASE, usually capitalized). Requires --cluster -N --node Specify FQDN of node to check, use in conjunction with other switches such as --node-state -O --component Service component to check (eg. DATANODE) --list-clusters Lists all the clusters managed by the Ambari server --list-services Lists all services in the given --cluster --list-nodes Lists all the nodes managed by the Ambari server for given --cluster (includes Ambari server itself) --list-service-components Lists all components of a given service. Requires --cluster, --service --list-service-nodes Lists all nodes for a given service. Requires --cluster, --service, --component --node-state Check node state of specified node is healthy. Requires --cluster, --node --service-state Check service state of specified node+service is healthy. Requires --cluster, --node, --service --all-service-states Check all service states for given --cluster --unhealthy-nodes Check for any unhealthy nodes -T --tls Use TLS connection to Ambari (automatically updates port to 8443 if still set to 8080 to save one 302 redirect round trip) --ssl-CA-path Path to CA certificate directory for validating SSL certificate (automatically enables --tls) --tls-noverify Do not verify SSL certificate from Ambari (automatically enables --tls) -t --timeout Timeout in secs (default: 10) -v --verbose Verbose mode (-v, -vv, -vvv ...) -h --help Print description and usage options -V --version Print version and exit
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