owncloud quota monitoring


This plugins consists of 2 parts.
A PHP file that needs to be put on the owncloud server
and a script you need to run on your nagios box.
the howto is included in the fileset

Current Version


Last Release Date

March 25, 2014

Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x



Project Notes
Owncloud-nagios Nagios monitoring of owncloud on linux This plugin was written to monitor statistics from Owncloud in nagios. first-release: - Quota limit / user and space utilisation UPDATE 19-5-2020 Added a file that makes it possible to use mysql only, so it no longer needs du (works better on slow storage) howto: Copy the du.php or the du-mysql.php somewhere on your owncloud server edit crontab as user www-data or low-access user, and add " * /15 * * * * php -f /path/to/du.php >/tmp/quota" OR " * /15 * * * * php -f /path/to/du-mysql.php >/tmp/quota" on nagios, edit crontab as user nagios, (USE SSH KEYS for access and add " * /15 * * * * scp root@owncloud:/tmp/quota /tmp/quota-owncloud" copy the file check_owncloud_quota to your /libexec dir (where all your other scripts for nagios probably reside). edit /etc/objects/commands.cfg and add the commands specified in the provided commands.cfg edit /etc/objects/owncloud-server-file.cfg and add a definition for each user, as illustrated in the provided user.cfg this may also be scripted with a bash-for loop (as i have done considering the many users i have on owncloud) (Updated for owncloud server v 10)
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