Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth



a very extendable network monitoring tool. There are tons of arguments you can use to have this do anything you want. It’s very low resource and has performance monitoring.

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Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI
  • Nagios Fusion




Project Notes
Here is a copy and paste of the help page Usage: check_linux_net Options: -h = Display the help page -hh = Display an extended help page with calculations Basic Arguments -i [interface] = Interface, or leave blank for all -m [tmp suffix] = suffix to use for temporary files. -l = Show data since the last run instead of per second -d [debug level] = debug for testing (do not run on nagios with debug on) To set your warning and critical levels -ki[0-9999999999] = Your warning level in kilobytes IN. -ko [0-9999999999] = Your warning level in kilobytes OUT. -kt [0-9999999999] = Your warning level in kilobytes TOTAL -pi [0-999999] = Your warning level in packets IN. -po [0-999999] = Your warning level in packets OUT. -pt [0-999999] = Your warning level in packets TOTAL. -ei [0-9999] = Your warning level errors IN -eo [0-9999] = Your warning level errors OUT -et [0-9999] = Your warning level errors TOTAL -di[0-9999] = Your warning level for dropped packets -Ki [0-9999999999] = Your critical level in kilobytes IN. -Ko 0-9999999999] = Your critical level in kilobytes OUT. -Kt 0-9999999999] = Your critical level in kilobytes TOTAL. -Pi [0-999999] = Your critical level in packets IN. -Po [0-999999] = Your critical level in packets OUT. -Pt [0-999999] = Your critical level in packets TOTAL. -Ei [0-9999] = Your critical level errors IN -Eo [0-9999] = Your critical level errors OUT -Et [0-9999] = Your critical level errors TOTAL -Di [0-9999] = Your critical level for dropped packets To adjust performance data -D [B,K,M,G,T] = divider B=bytes, K=kilobytes, M=megabytes, G=gigabytes, T=terabytes (for performance data) -b = output is in bits instead of bytes -S [SHOW] = a list of the performance data you would like to see seperated by commas. If order is important they will output in the same order you give them. The default is: DATA_TOT,PKT_TOT,ERR_TOT,DROP Show Data DATA_IN = Amount of data incomming. Kilobytes by default, change this default with -d. DATA_OUT = Amount of data outgoing. Kilobytes by default, change this default with -d. DATA_TOT = Amount of total data. Kilobytes by default, change this default with -d. PKT_IN = Number of packing incomming PKT_OUT = Number of packing outgoing PKT_TOT = Number of packing total ERR_IN = Incomming packet errors ERR_OUT = Outgoing packet errors ERR_TOT = Total packet errors DROP = Dropped packets. These are incoming only. Leaving your warking and/or critical blank or setting them to 0 will disable the alert. This is useful if you are only trying to build statictical data. Leaving your divider blank will show in bytes. If your REALLY useing this to watch more than a terabyte of traffic go by every 5 minutes let me know... That's just cool. If you need it it's there. The temporary directory is required and can be changed as a variable within the script. If you want to run this script in multiple intervals make sure you use -m so the temporary files don't overlap. ############################### ## EXTENDED HELP INFORMATION ## ############################### This check relys on the kernel and the network driver for the interface it's checking. I was going to pull data driectly from the hardware however these calls are expensive on the system and I would prefer as little impact as possible. This being said the data is only as accurate as the kernel and network driver can provide. Keep this in mind when especially using experimental or new code. All calculations are done in Bytes. If you set it for bits (-b) it will calulate it before displaying as: Bytes * 8 = Bits Other calculations are as followes 1 Kilobyte = 2^10 Bytes 1 Megabyte = 2^20 Bytes 1 Gigabyte = 2^30 Bytes
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