check_ups_snmp 2


check_ups_snmp is a Nagios plugin to check by snmp a ups status with CS121 and other snmp card adapters.
With performance data

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x



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Project Notes
2013, Daniel Dueñas Domingo ( Description: check_ups_snmp is a Nagios plugin to check by snmp a ups status with CS121 and other snmp card adapters. With performance data Instalation: requirements: - Net-SNMP This plugin is a linux script, to install, copy it into the path of nagios plugins (usually in / usr / local / nagios / libexec ) and define a command in nagios command.cfg file. Definition example in command.cfg nagios : define command { command_name check_ups_snmp command_line $ USER1 $ / $ HOSTADDRESS -H $ ARG1 $ -p -C $ ARG2 $ - w $ ARG3 $ - c $ ARG4 $ register 1 } Once done , we must define a service for each parameter to be monitored in the service configuration file : define service { host_name UPS_1 service_description ups_alarm use ups_template check_command check_ups_snmp ! snmp ! ups_alarm 0, 0, ! -d / usr / local / nagios / libexec / mibs register 1 } For correct use of ups_alarm option, including mibs in the /mibs directory are needed , they are needed to correctly interpret of the alarms that can give for snmp ups , in this case , as seen in the example of defining service , copy mibs files on path '/usr/local/nagios/libexec/mibs' but could be anywhere else . Pnp4nagios graphics templates are included, for install it, you must copy the file check_ups_snmp.php in '/share/templates' in pnp4nagios home directory. Use: ./ -H -p
Reviews (3) Add a Review
by Oliveira da Silva, March 31, 2018

Work very well!

CRITICAL - Such alarms present |'alarms'=Such
by ask, December 31, 2016

[root@xxxx libexec]# ./ -H xxxxx -C xxxxxx -p ups_alarm CRITICAL - Such alarms present |'alarms'=Such I am getting above error and I checked in ups but no alarms and I removed logs also but no use. Can any one help me where i did mistake. Thanks in advance.

Really useful, thanks
by stephanhughson, February 28, 2015

Hi, This is great, thanks so much. Works perfectly and gets loads of useful information.

Project Stats
4.6 (5)