Databases (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)


Check Redis replication via API write to master and read from slave


1. writes a new unique key with dynamically generated value to master
2. reads same key back from slave
3. checks returned value is identical to the value generated and written to master
4. deletes the key on the master (optionally checks delete replicated to slave)
5. records the write/read/delete timings to a given precision for reporting and graphing
6. compares each operation’s time taken against the warning/critical thresholds if given

Current Version

Last Release Date

November 21, 2013

Compatible With

  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI


Project Notes
Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection. Download it here: usage: [ options ] -H --host Redis Host to connect to -P --port Redis Port to connect to (default: 6379) -d --database Database to select (optional, default: 0) -p --password Password to connect with (use if Redis is configured with requirepass) -S --slave Redis slave to read key back from to test replication (defaults to reading key back from master --host) --slave-port Redis slave port to connect to (default: 6379) --slave-password Redis slave password. Defaults to using the same password as for the master if specified. If wanting to use password on master but not on slave, set this to a blank string --slave-delay Wait this many secs between write to master and read from slave to give the slave replica time to process the replication update, accepts floats (default: 1, min: 0, max: 10) --slave-deleted Additional optional check that the key was cleaned up and deleted on the slave (waits --slave-delay secs after delete) -w --warning Warning threshold in seconds for each read/write/delete operation (use float for milliseconds) -c --critical Critical threshold in seconds for each read/write/delete operation (use float for milliseconds) --precision Number of decimal places for timings (default: 5) -h --help Print description and usage options -t --timeout Timeout in secs (default: 10) -v --verbose Verbose mode (-v, -vv, -vvv ...) -V --version Print version and exit
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