MS System Center Operations Manager

SCOM 2012 to Nagios Connector


A complex script for forwarding SCOM 2012 alerts to Nagios.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI




Project Notes
**DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PLUGIN HAS CEASED AS OF 14/6/2014, IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO TAKE OVER THIS PROJECT PLEASE CONTACT THE LISTED EMAIL ADDRESS** Description: A highly configurable plugin for sending SCOM 2012 alerts to Nagios via NRDP. Usage: A README FILE IS INCLUDED IN THE ZIP FILE. READ IT CAREFULLY. Below are the installation instructions and usage:- ========================================= Installation ========================================= 1. Extract the contents of this zip file to a directory on your SCOM 2012 server. 2. Open Windows task scheduler (Run taskschd.msc in a powershell command prompt). 3. Select the "Task scheduler library" heading and then select "Create Task..." from the right hand menu. 4. Give it a meaningful name (i.e. SCOM To Nagios). 5. Click the "Change User or Group..." button and select a user with at least full read access to SCOM. 6. Select the "Run whether user is logged on or not" radio box. 7. Change to the "Triggers" tab and click the "New..." button. 8. Set the following options and click OK: - Begin the task: On a schedule - Daily radio box selected - Recur every 1 days - Repeat task every 10 minutes for duration of 1 day - Stop task if it runs longer than 10 minutes. - Enabled 9. Change to the "Actions" tab and click the "New..." button. 10. Set the following options and click OK: - Action: Start a program - Program/Script: powershell - Add arguments (optional): -file "C:pathtoscriptdirectoryscombag.ps1" 11. Click OK to save the new scheduled task. *NOTE* For those with multiple SCOM 2012 servers, the script will ONLY execute on the server with the RMS Emulator role to prevent it executing on multiple SCOM servers simultaneously. ========================================= Upgrading ========================================= 1. Replace the scombag.ps1 file and the scombag_map.ini file. Version 0.1 configuration is not compatible with version 0.3. ========================================= Usage ========================================= ./scombag.ps1 [-validate_map] [-enable_tracing [-trace_guid ]] [-logic_debugging] -help Display this help text. -validate_map Validate the JSON in the map configuration. -enable_tracing Execute the script and output information without actually committing anything to Nagios. -trace_guid Run the trace on a specific SCOM alert Id. -logic_debugging Enable debugging of the pattern matching logic.
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