Network and Systems Management

check_puppet.rb (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)


Puppet various checks

The check_puppet.rb Nagios plugin checks the following:
1. Exactly 1 puppetd process is running
2. Puppet has run successfully recently (state file has been updated)
3. Puppet runs are enabled
4. The puppet version installed
5. The puppet environment the system is in

Current Version

Last Release Date

October 3, 2013

Compatible With

  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI


Project Notes
Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection, download it here: ./check_puppet.rb --help usage: check_puppet.rb [OPTIONS] The check_puppet.rb Nagios plugin checks the following: 1. Exactly 1 puppetd process is running 2. Puppet has run successfully recently (state file has been updated) 3. Puppet runs are enabled 4. The puppet version installed 5. The puppet environment the system is in -C, --config=value Default: /etc/puppet/puppet.conf -e, --environment=value Default: production -w, --warning=value Default: 35 minutes -c, --critical=value Default: 70 minutes -l, --lockfile=lockfile The lock file Default: uses puppet config / default -p, --process=processname The process to check Default: puppetd -s, --statefile=statefile The state file Default: uses puppet config / default -v, --verbose Verbose mode Default: off -V, --version=version The puppet version to expect Default: none -h, --help Show this help message.
Reviews (1) Add a Review
Command line check ok, GUI (null)
by Badb0y, August 31, 2015

I tried to place the plugin to the nrpe.d, placed the commands in the nrpe.conf, and of course in the nagios directory structures. When I ran it via command line, it works, but in the gui it shows me (null). Any idea what is missing from nagios ?

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