Databases (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)


Checks MySQL config file matches running MySQL server configuration. Primarily written to check that DBAs hadn’t changed any running DB from Puppet deployed config without backporting their changes.

Current Version

Last Release Date

October 3, 2013

Compatible With

  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI


Project Notes
Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection, download it here: ./ --help Nagios Plugin to check MySQL config file matches running MySQL server configuration Primarily written to check that DBAs hadn't changed any running DB from Puppet deployed config without backporting their changes A friend and ex-colleague of mine Tom Liakos @ Specificmedia pointed out a long time after I wrote this that Percona independently developed a similar tool called pt-config-diff (part of the Percona toolkit) around the same time. usage: [ options ] -c --config --config-file Path to MySQL my.cnf config file (default: /etc/my.cnf) -H --host MySQL host to check (default: Set to blank to connect via socket -P --port MySQL port to connect to (default: 3306) -u --mysql-user MySQL username to use to connect to local MySQL connection (default: root) -p --mysql-password MySQL Password to use to connect to local MySQL connection (default: empty) -d --mysql-instance MySQL [instance] in my.cnf to test (default: mysqld) --skip-name-resolve Ensure that skip-name-resolve is specified in the config file --warn-on-missing Return warning when there my.cnf variables missing from running MySQL config. Default is just to list them but return OK unless there is an actual mismatch. Useful if you want to make sure they're all accounted for as sometimes they only appear in config file or the live name is different to the config file name -s --mysql-socket MySQL socket file through which to connect (default: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock) -h --help Print description and usage options -t --timeout Timeout in secs (default: 10) -v --verbose Verbose mode -V --version Print version and exit
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