Check Microsoft Windows Scheduled Tasks


Checks Microsoft Windows 2008 or higher enabled scheduled tasks excluding or including defined folders, task patterns and authors, returning state of tasks with name, author, exit code, last runtime and performance data to Nagios.

Current Version

Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI



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Project Notes
Please visit my blog for more information on this plugin. In case you find a bug or have feature request, please make an issue on GitHub.
Reviews (15) Add a Review
Monitor Sub-Folders
by user7899, September 30, 2023

Hello, This plugin currently checks tasks in C:WindowsSystem32Tasks, but I only wanted to check tasks in sub folder C:WindowsSystem32TasksNagiosTest. Help is highly appreciated!! Thanks

Windows Server 2016
by ClickIT, December 31, 2018

Has anyone got this working for Server 2016? Works perfectly on 2012R2. I copied my config from 2012R2 to 2016 and the result is The command (check_ms_win_tasks) returned an invalid return code: 255

Alert if task delete
by cees09, October 31, 2018

is there a way this script could be modified to alert when a task does not exist. Sadly I do not know much about powershell; so I can't figure it out where to add something like that

Problems to exec the command
by felipebalbino2, June 30, 2017

Dear, I follow these steps but its not working properly Please help me! Im not able to exec this command. I receive the message below: "No handler for command: check_scheduletask"

It works fine! Please add option to exit with warning on runnning task
by Pado87, January 31, 2017

Excellent works, I would like to use this check, but I need to send a warning exit code on running task. ( Sometimes I have the task that doesn't exit at all, like loop, and I would like to receive a warning for that )

can´t download
by mash211, November 30, 2016

Hi, sadly I also can´t download the plugin .... regards Markus

Monitoring Event logs for Scheduled Tasks
by NerdGz, June 30, 2016

Hello, is it possible with this check monitor an event log inside the Scheduled Tasks ?

Exclude running tasks
by steve_boohoo, September 30, 2015

Hi great plugin we run it as : -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c check_ms_win_tasks -t 60 Do running tasks still trigger an alert or just ones that fail?

by funbe, June 30, 2015

Dear willemdh I'm not able to download the plugin. "Error establishing a database connection." Is the plugin still online? Thanks you in advance.

great plugin
by paul.jobb, June 30, 2015

I really like this plugin. I made a small mod to allow for overriding the root folder as we group ours in folders based on function, As someone else mentioned its a little easier for alerting in bigger IT organizations.

Works well!
by rfults, May 31, 2015

2 things: First, the multi-line output can be resolved by adding `r`n to the end of your output strings. I did this and added the ability to send an email on critical exit in my copy as I cannot rely on Nagios for notifications in our environment. Second, graphs don't work with pnp4nagios. Any idea how I can get this working ootb?

Works Great as advertised, but can a function be added?
by SteveBeauchemin, February 28, 2015

Using this to find failed jobs en mass is great. I have 6 MS Windows Job Server systems specifically used for scheduled tasks. This plugin lets me know when something needs to be dealt with. There is always a 'but...' in there somewhere. sorry. But... at my site with such a large IT team, I need to test for specific jobs and send alerts to specific people. Instead of just an 'Exclude' capability, can an 'Include' be added? Or maybe the ability to specify individual tasks, or regex includes? This would let me monitor our many job servers and send directed alerts to each of the 10 teams using it. Thanks. Steve B

Disabled tasks
by olorin, October 31, 2014

Thanks for this great script! Is there any way to exclude scheduled tasks with status Disabled ?

by unique367, January 31, 2014

The script works great, but I need to run it as Admin. Do I need to give special permissions or disable something?

by 360IT, October 31, 2013

Easy to setup and works a treat!

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4.7 (19)