Network and Systems Management

Draytek Router Automated WAN interfaces configuration


Simple bash script that walks a given list of router ips for WAN interface ips, and then configures ping checks on each of those wan ips with each respective ping check listed as a service for the router. The script also requires a template with specific variablized syntax for the creation of the config. The script also copies the static config to the static directory and restarts nagios.


1. Create a New command in XI (you only have to do this once):

Go to XI –> CCM –> Commands –> add new:

Command name: check_client_ping
Command Line: $USER1$/check_ping -H $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$

Save out.

2. Create a directory in /usr/local/libexec for script, template, and router ip list.

3. Download the script and the template.cfg template to the above directory.

4. Generate a file in the above directory with a list of ips and hostnames of all the router you wish to walk, for example: myhostname anotherhostname
# etc.

5. The script can be run from the cli with the following syntax:

Alternatively, it can be cron’d for easy regeneration of dynamic wan ips. Advanced users can setup an event handler as well.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI




Project Files
Project Notes
Simple bash script that walks a given list of router ips for WAN interface ips, and then configures ping checks on each of those wan ips with each respective ping check listed as a service for the router. The script also requires a template with specific variablized syntax for the creation of the config. The script also copies the static config to the static directory and restarts nagios. Installation: 1. Create a New command in XI (you only have to do this once): Go to XI --> CCM --> Commands --> add new: Command name: check_client_ping Command Line: $USER1$/check_ping -H $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ Save out. 2. Create a directory in /usr/local/libexec for script, template, and router ip list. 3. Download the script and the template.cfg template to the above directory. 4. Generate a file in the above directory with a list of ips and hostnames of all the router you wish to walk, for example: myhostname anotherhostname # etc. 5. The script can be run from the cli with the following syntax: