Microsoft Exchange

Exchange 2013 Server Health


Exchange 2013 Server Health/Component Health Check for Nagios and use with NSClient/NRPE.

Current Version


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Compatible With

  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x



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Project Notes
In Exchange 2013, Microsoft has in-built monitoring of most of the services and components behind the scenes, and the status of these components and services can be polled using the Get-ServerHealth commandlet. I have developed a powershell/plugin for Nagios to poll the in-built Exchange 2013 monitoring to return the result. This plugin can monitor any of the following Exchange 2013 Components: ActiveSync ActiveSync.Protocol ActiveSync.Proxy AD Antimalware AntiSpam Autodiscover Autodiscover.Protocol Autodiscover.Proxy Classification DAL Datamining DataProtection ECP ECP.Proxy EDS EventAssistants EWS EWS.Protocol EWS.Proxy FfoQuarantine FfoTransport FIPS FrontendTransport HubTransport IMAP.Protocol MailboxMigration MailboxTransport MessageTracing Monitoring MRS MSExchangeCertificateDeployment Network OAB OAB.Proxy Outlook Outlook.Protocol Outlook.Proxy OWA OWA.Protocol OWA.Protocol.Dep OWA.Proxy POP.Protocol ProcessIsolation Provisioning PublicFolders RemoteMonitoring RMS RPS RPS.Proxy RWS.Proxy Search Security SiteMailbox Store Transport TransportSync UM.CallRouter UM.Protocol UserThrottling Set up your command in NSClient++ like this: exchange_serverhealth=exchange/exchange-serverhealth.ps1 -HealthSet $ARG1$ And utilise by setting up a service like this (Replace COMPONENTNAME with any of the components above): define service{ use generic-service host_name EX2013-TST-SVR1 service_description COMPONENTNAME HealthSet check_command check_nrpe!exchange_serverhealth!COMPONENTNAME }
Reviews (5) Add a Review
Scripts returns OK although Services are down
by johannes, November 30, 2017

I wanted to provoke an error by shutting down some services. The script still tells me everything is ok , for example on OWA. 19 checks OK. Any ideas?

by Mathewthegreat, August 31, 2016

I had to modify line 28 and add '-Identity SERVERNAME' to get it to work for me. There may be an easier way to do this, but this may be of use to someone: $HealthSetResult = (get-serverhealth -Identity SERVERNAME | Where-Object {$_.HealthSetName -eq $HealthSet})

didnt work for me
by bladezz, April 30, 2016

I couldn't get this working in Nagios xi I get the error :NSClient++.cpp:1195: No handler for command: 'exchange-serverhealth' 2016-04-13 13:58:04: message:includeNSCHelper.cpp:238: No handler for command 'exchange-serverhealth'. 2016-04-13 13:58:58: message:NSClient++.cpp:1195: No handler for command: 'exchange-serverhealth' 2016-04-13 13:58:58: message:includeNSCHelper.cpp:238: No handler for command 'exchange-serverhealth

Good Plugin with some problems
by Galipoli, March 31, 2016

The plugin is good but has some problems which are easy to fix. I changed line 42 and 58 to $desc = "$desc" + $healthCheck.Name +"," Without this i only get the Powershell object in output text. Changed line 40 to foreach($healthCheck in DegradedHealthChecks) { and line 56 to foreach($healthCheck in $OKHealthChecks) { to get the correct counting of OK and Degraded Checks. Very Important with this and all other Checks is that you use the 64bit verion of NSClient. Without you get an error that it cant load the needed Powershell commands. Took me some time to figure this out ...

Nice Plugin
by shree.srikant, January 31, 2014

To utilise, add the following to your nsclient.ini file: [/settings/external scripts/wrapped scripts] exchange_serverhealth=exchange/exchange-serverhealth.ps1 -HealthSet $ARG1$

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3.3 (6)