Check Windows Updates Powershell


Gets the list of available Windows updates for a single Windows machine. Can be run through any remote client or process with the ability to execute Powershell scripts.

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Compatible With

  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI




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Project Notes
Gets the list of available Windows updates for a single Windows machine. Can be run through any remote client or process with the ability to execute Powershell scripts. Can be run with arguments for a grace period of days to report OK and not perform the full check. Does not return drivers or toolbar updates. Some updates may show as unknown if Microsoft has not issued a severity for them. Get list of available updates from Microsoft Update Server, no matter how recent the last check was. PS D:Powershell> .Check-Updates.ps1 35 Days since last update. 2 Critical Updates: KB2792100 KB2797052 6 Important Updates: KB2778344 KB2789642 KB2789645 KB2790113 KB2799494 KB954430 1 Moderate Updates: KB2790655 4 Unknown Updates: KB890830 KB915597 KB971033 KB973688 Get list of available updates from Microsoft Update Server, if last check was outside of grace period. PS D:Powershell> .Check-Updates.ps1 50 35 Days since last update. Within grace period PS D:Powershell> .Check-Updates.ps1 20 35 Days since last update. 2 Critical Updates: KB2792100 KB2797052 6 Important Updates: KB2778344 KB2789642 KB2789645 KB2790113 KB2799494 KB954430 1 Moderate Updates: KB2790655 4 Unknown Updates: KB890830 KB915597 KB971033 KB973688
Reviews (1) Add a Review
Error fixed
by juangranados, October 31, 2017

Hi Spenser! Thanks for this excellent script. Running Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_QuickFixEngineering could return empty values on InstalledOn. I fixed this error and upload the script to GitHub, if anyone is interested:

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