Very good plugin, small nuisance
June 30, 2016
The plugin command "cache" doesn't seem to work (any more?) with VNX 5200: "Error: getcache command failed"
As a quick hack, I added an option
'T=s' => $opt_vnx_type,
in the global section and a variable/condition in the sub check_cache:
> my $naviclicmd = "getcache";
> if ($opt_vnx_type =~ m/VNX5200/i) { $naviclicmd = "cache -sp -info"; }
> open (NAVICLIOUT ,"$NAVICLI_CMD -h $opt_host $naviclicmd |");
Now we can use it with both VNX types 5200 and 5300.
October 31, 2015
Here is a new version.
Notes : Added a function to check exit value of commands (check_for_errors was useless).
# Added debug option to displaying navicli return.
# Added output option (nagios states, one line stdout for faults only)
# Added Timeout option, default is 10 sec.
fix for chriscamm's issue
December 31, 2014
I hope you get this message.
The reason why you're getting different outputs from the browser than what's in the cli is because you could be using different user accounts for both. From the the browser itself, my best guess is the plugin is being executed as the 'nagios' user and you're using your own user account from the cli.
If you try running the script, from the cli, as the service account that is running Nagios I bet you'll get the same output that your browser is displaying.
It could have something to do with 'secfile'. Create/setup one as the service account used by Nagios and you should be set.
Nice script btw, this helps a lot in monitoring our storages devices.
Added a Check
September 30, 2014
Hi All
I have add a check command to this script, i add the Option "lun -list -state" as check Option -t lun_info! When Box293 is interessted i can upload it!
sp_info gives no output in browser but work on command line
March 31, 2014
This is a great script and works well apart from the -t sp_info. From the command line I get:
./ -H ***.***.***.*** --secfilepath /usr/local/nagios/libexec/auth/emc_auth_files -t sp_info
{SP ID:A} {Agent Revision:6.29.5 (0.55)} {FLARE Revision:} {PROM Revision:4.80.00} {Model:CX4-120, Rackmount} {Memory:2.97GB} {Serial Number:****************}
When I look in Nagios I get this
Status Information: {SP ID:} {Agent Revision:} {FLARE Revision:} {PROM Revision:} {Model:, } {Memory:} {Serial Number:}
The returned items are being excluded in the output being parsed to Nagios.
Any thoughts? I am using the latest version of the script.
Thanks and keep up the great work
Update for VNX2 Hostspare policy
March 31, 2014
I have add the following code to process hotspare policy of VNX2:
# add for VNX2
my $policy_line = 0;
open (NAVICLIOUT ,"$NAVICLI_CMD -h $opt_host hotsparepolicy -list |");
while () {
# First lets check for errors before proceeding
# check for policy lines
if( $_ =~ m/^Policy ID:/) {
if ($policy_line == 1) {
# check for hot spare lines
if( $_ =~ m/^Unused disks for hot spares:s+(.*)$/) {
# end of section
if ( $_ =~ m/^s*$/) {
Service check did not exit properly
November 30, 2013
From the command line is working perfectly. From Nagios Web interface I get the error "Service check did not exit properly". Any workaround/suggestion?
Checks not working - wrong version
October 31, 2013
Hi there
I was trying to set-up your script on our nagios-installation. I followed your instruction but was wondering about the Version of NaviCLI you mention. The newest version i can find is "NaviCLI-Linux-64-x86-en_US-". You are speaking of a 2.31-Version.
I debugged a few of your checks and found the following:
The CLI-output of cache_pdp returns no % of Dirty pages, only MB's. You are regex'ing for %.
Do you have any idea?
Error with HBA checking
May 31, 2013
I had problem with checking last HBA (last in navisecli output) of our VNX 5300, because plugin continued to section "Information about each SPPORT" and inserted a lot of nonsense information to its output.
I solved it by adding
if ($_ =~ m/InformationsaboutseachsSPPORT/) {
$hba_section = 0;
$hba_port_section = 0;
$hba_node_line = 0;
Regards, Bohumil
Error returned
May 31, 2013
This pluggin will be very useful for my supervision's plateform.
Someone could helpme? I have done all liked it's described and when I execute :
./ -H -u USER -p PASSWORD -t disk
Error returned from the Management Server on
Service Check Timed Out
April 30, 2013
Very nice plugin, but we regularly get critical errors because the service check timed out, while we are 100 % sure there are no issues.
Can anyone guide me in a direction how to change the timeout?
Should I change the $clitimeout in the .pl file?
# timeout in seconds for calls to navi(sec)climy $clitimeout;$clitimeout=18;
Great plugin!
April 30, 2013
Thank you!
I just had to modify a couple of lines:
I added
# nagios -epn
just after the interpreter declaration so Nagios won't try to use its embedded perl interpreter (which exits with some compile errors)
I also had to move "Unbound" from line 895 to line 891.
For some reason my AX4-5 reports the Hot Spare disk as Unbound making the script report 0 HS available and triggering a warning.
Couple of fixes for the portstate
March 31, 2013
Great plugin!
I have fixed a couple of bugs.
1. No more duplicates when check one port (with a --port option) and not all of them.
2. Now is able to check several ports at one time. Syntax example: poststate --SP A --port 1,3.
--- 2013-03-09 14:54:48.000000000 +0100
+++ 2013-03-19 08:25:43.000000000 +0100
@@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@
$sp_line = 1;
# check for requested port id
- if ($opt_port >=0) {
+ if ($opt_port =~ /^d+$/) {
if( $_ =~ m/^SPsPortsID:s+($opt_port)$/) {
$port_id = $1;
$portstate_line = 1;
@@ -1165,14 +1165,11 @@
$output .= "Connection Type: $type. ";
# end of section
- if ( $_ =~ m/^s*$/) {
- $portstate_line = 0;
- ### $sp_section = 0;
- if ($opt_port >=0 ) {
- $sp_section = 0;
- }
- $sp_line = 0;
- }
+ }
+ if ( $_ =~ m/^s*$/) {
+ $portstate_line = 0;
+ $sp_section = 0;
+ $sp_line = 0;
I would like to thank the maintainer for supporting!
I'm using the lastest release and it's working fine! More features like read/write cache, frontend and backend usage will be great, but CLARiiON AX4 is a low-end storage system and I don't think it's possible.
Works after some perl updating!
March 31, 2013
I was also receiving the following error:
./ -H XXXXXXX -u XXXXXXX -p XXXXXX -t disk
syntax error at ./ line 1316, near "){"
syntax error at ./ line 1336, near "}"
Execution of ./ aborted due to compilation errors.
Check what version of Perl you're running (terminal command: Perl -v). I was on 5.8.8 and was receiving this error. The error seems to be coming from the module and believe it may have been fixed in Perl 5.10.X. However, the switch module has been deprecated in Perl v 5.14. So to get this plugin functioning you can either update Perl to a version just prior to 5.14 or update to the newest version of Perl and install the legacy Switch module separately.
Other than this issue, this plugin is working great. Thanks for all the efforts in maintaining it.
Hope this helps!
Error encountered
February 28, 2013
Hello, im encountering this error when running this plugin on my nagios
./ -H XXXXXXX -u XXXXXXX -p XXXXXX -t disk
syntax error at ./ line 1315, near "){"
syntax error at ./ line 1335, near "}"
Execution of ./ aborted due to compilation errors.
Hope anyone can help me. Im not good at perl script. Thanks
Awesome Tools for ESX
February 28, 2013
I have been struggling for awhile to get decent monitoring of our EMC SAN. This is plugin is GREAT!
I now monitor All disks, Dirty Cache pages, Percentage busy, Any Faults and the SP's....been waiting for this one! A Must Have Plugin and if your using Nagios XI the wizard is great!
February 28, 2013
I am using it and it is working fine.
Need more features (like performance io disk, etc ...) and he will be perfect tool to monitor your EMC Clariion.
Excellent Plugin, thanks
January 31, 2013
I've got this working with an AX4.
Only issues were with the check_sp method, the checks for enclosures need to ignore some parts (Fans and LCC) which return N/A as status. I've added |N on the end of the regex on line 323. And is working OK now
Thank you