Tape Drives and Libraries

Check Quantum DXi Series


Quantum DXi Series check for Nagios / Nagios XI.

The shell script will get the system and deduplication info from DXi systems. Performance data are also included.
DXi must have firmware 2.x to get data.

Check deduplication watermarks are not caculated. Check was always OK.

There were some changes in DXi 2.2 which were fixed in this 1.1 script.
Error messages from gather DXi info are now passed to Nagios.

Initial script

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x




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Project Notes
Quantum DXi Series check for Nagios. The shell script will get the system, deduplication and lots more info from DXi systems. Performance data are also included. DXi must have firmware 2.x to get data. Help page: # /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_dxi.sh -h check_dxi v1.2 Copyright (c) 2012 Ralf Cremer Check status of QUANTUM DXi Series and obtain system information via SSH Please have bc, snmpget and sshpass installed. Usage: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_dxi.sh -H [-u ] -p [ -w warn_range] [-c crit_range] -C | -d | -dd | -f | -hc | -m | -n | -nc | -nn | -nr | -r | -sb | -sn | -snmp | -ss | -v | -vc [ -h | --help ] -h This page -H DXi host -u DXi user (Default cliviewer) -p Password of DXi user (Default cliviewer) -w Warn level in % (Default 25) -c Critical level in % (Default 15) -C Compaction status -d Disk usage * -dd Data Size Reduction, Dedup Ratio is needed (Default 8) * -f List of fc ports -hc Healthcheck status -i Ingestrate Write/Read -m Systemmemory * -n Node status -nc NAS CIFS status -nn NAS NFS status -nr NAS overall replication status -r Spacereclamation -sb Systemboard -sn System Networkports -snmp Read System Type and Firmware Version (default publicCmtyStr) Please configure the DXi snmp community -ss System Storage Array -v VTL status, VTL name is needed -vc VTL capacity, VTL name is needed * * Warn and critical values are calculated Example: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_dxi.sh -H dxi01 -u cliviewer -p password -w 25 -c 15 -m Send email to info@cremer-web.de if you have questions regarding use of this software. To submit patches or suggest improvements, send email to info@cremer-web.de
Reviews (3) Add a Review
there is an error on line 466
by dakoide, January 31, 2014

there is an error on line 466 PERCENT = $ (echo-e "scale = 0; 100 * $ {FREE} MEM / TOTALMEM $ {} "| bc-l ) , patch:" PERCENT = $ (echo-e "scale = 0; 100 * $ {FreeMem} / $ {TOTALMEM}" | bc-l ) cordially

by USPHNetadmins, December 31, 2013

Where can we download version 1.1? I have firmware 2.2.1 and have an "Unknown: No command output" on the checks. Thanks.

by Shog, June 30, 2013

Hi, i'm trying to check a Quantumm DXI6701 with FW 2.2.1 - when running from CLI ./check_dxi.sh -h got that message : ./check_dxi.sh: 803: [: Illegal number: ./check_dxi.sh: 803: [: Illegal number: ./check_dxi.sh: 809: [: Illegal number: Thanx for your help

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