
VMWare vCenter alarm sender


A plugin for passive monitoring of vCenter infrastructure via the native VMWare alarms interface.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI




Project Notes
**DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PLUGIN HAS CEASED AS OF 14/6/2014, IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO TAKE OVER THIS PROJECT PLEASE CONTACT THE LISTED EMAIL ADDRESS** Description: A simple Powershell script for sending VMWare alarm information back to Nagios via the NRDP interface. Compatible with vCenter 3.5, 4.x, 5.x. Usage: 1. Extract the vmware_sender directory onto your vCenter servers. Ensure there are NO SPACES to the extracted path. *NOTE* As of the the time of writing, I’ve been unable to get vCenter to execute a Powershell script if there is a space in the path. If you have a workaround please contact me. 2. Create an alarm in vCenter and configure something to monitor, i.e. Virtual Machine CPU usage. 3. Under the actions tab of alarm settings click add then select “Run a command” as the action. 4. In the configuration section put the following: "cmd.exe" "/c echo.|powershell -NonInteractive -File C:PathTovmware_sendervmware_sender.ps1 -map vsc" 5. Save the alarm. Read the README file in the zip file for full instructions. -nrdpurl The URL used to access the remote NRDP agent. i.e. http://nagiosip/nrdp/ -nrdpurl The URL used to access the remote NRDP agent. i.e. http://nagiosip/nrdp/ -nrdptoken The authentication token used to access the remote NRDP agent. -hostname The name of the host associated with the passive host/service check result. -service The name of the service associated with thischeck result. -state The state of the service. Valid values are: OK, Green, WARNING, Yellow, CRITICAL, Red, UNKNOWN -output Text output to be sent as the passive check result. -activecheck Used to specify active or passive check, 0 = active, 1 = passive. Defaults to passive. -map Name of the output map to use in the vmware_sender.ini file, for more information read the README -help Display this help text.
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