Monitoring Agents

Modified Nsclient Agent – Top 5 CPU & Memory Consuming Process Details


Modified Nsclient++ v1.0 Agent and Modified check_nt(nagios-plugins) for windows servers to get Top 5 CPU or Memory consuming process details right inside your Nagios.

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Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI
  • Nagios Fusion




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Project Notes
The newly modified Nsclient++ version 1.0 agent provides you with the capability of getting Top 5 CPU & Top 5 Memory consuming process details directly inside your Nagios for your windows servers monitoring. Whenever the defined Warning/Critical thresholds are breached Nagios will show the Memory or Cpu as WARNING/CRITICAL state with the detailed information of which top 5 processes has increased the CPU load or consumed high Memory on that server with the details like ProcessID, ProcessName, CPU% or MemoryKB and send out the mail alerts with the same information. This has been desired since long as we need to know which process has raised those Warning or Critical alerts for CPU and Memory.
Reviews (3) Add a Review
Top 5 processes is null
by efiviop, July 31, 2015

I followed the instructions both on the monitoring Server and the Windows client but instead of getting the Top 5 processes I am getting 'null'. Is there a way to fix this?

Not working for me
by mroter, November 30, 2012

I followed the instructions but it is not bringing back the extended result.

I can not get the data of Top 5
by sandyzd, November 30, 2012

My Nsclient version is NSClient++ 0,4,1,61.When I replace the exisiting checksystem.dll in c:/programfiles/nsclient/modules with the new checksystem.dll (rename it to CheckSystem.dll from CheckSystem-32.dll/CheckSystem-64.dll) provided by us depending on my system. Then the value memuse get the bad date(Segmentation fault (core dumped)).I reinstall the Nsclient with version 0.3.7 then the bad date does not exist,But I always can not get the top 5 date.I did all of the steps just like the readme.txt which you write it.I am chinese and my English writing is bad Please do not laugh at! I feel this plugins is very usefull for the monitor system so I extremely grateful get the solution to the problem.Thank you very much.

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3.4 (7)