



Nagios check checking the fpm-status page report from php-fpm. Tracking Idle processes, max processes reached and process queue.

Support of http, https and fastgi direct mode.

You can use this script to draw some graphics (perfparse).

PHP-FPM Monitor for Nagios version 1.1

GPL licence, (c)2012 Leroy Regis

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI
  • Nagios Fusion




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Project Notes
Installation: ======== dependencies ----------------- You need **perl**. If you use the script to request the php status page from a web service (usual case) you'll need the perl library, LWP::UserAgent (`apt-get install liblwp-protocol-https-perl` on Debian) If you request the php status page without http support, directly in fastcgi, (that's not the usual case) you will need the FCGI::Client CPAN library. On debian: sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell install Bundle::CPAN reload cpan install FCGI::Client If you have **cpanm** installed, and only if you experience problems, you can install all potential dependencies by running (maybe with sudo for global install) : cpanm -n --skip-satisfied --installdeps . This command uses the cpanfile provided with this script to list dependencies. You may not have this file, as the check_phpfpm_status.pl script is quite standalone, but you can find this file, and the tests files on the github page of the project. https://github.com/regilero/check_phpfpm_status Install of this script ------------------------ 1. Copy check_phpfpm_status.pl to the server's nagios plugins directory. 2. Ensure the script has execution rights Script Documentation: =============== Usage: ./check_phpfpm_status.pl -H [-p ] [-s servername] [-t ] [-w -c ] [-V] [-d] [-f] [-u ] [-U user -P pass -r realm] -h, --help print this help message -H, --hostname=HOST name or IP address of host to check -p, --port=PORT Http port, or Fastcgi port when using --fastcgi -u, --url=URL Specific URL (only the path part of it in fact) to use, instead of the default "/fpm-status" -s, --servername=SERVERNAME ServerName, (host header of HTTP request) use it if you specified an IP in -H to match the good Virtualhost in your target -f, --fastcgi Connect directly to php-fpm via network or local socket, using fastcgi protocol instead of HTTP. -U, --user=user Username for basic auth -P, --pass=PASS Password for basic auth -r, --realm=REALM Realm for basic auth -d, --debug Debug mode (show http request response) -t, --timeout=INTEGER timeout in seconds (Default: 15) -S, --ssl Wether we should use HTTPS instead of HTTP. Note that you can give some extra parameters to this settings. Default value is 'TLSv1' but you could use things like 'TLSv1_1' or 'TLSV1_2' (or even 'SSLv23:!SSLv2:!SSLv3' for old stuff). -x, --verifyssl, --verifyhostname verify certificate and hostname from ssl cert, default is 0 (no security), set it to 1 to really make SSL peer name and certificater checks. 'verifyhostname' is the old deprecated name of this option. -X, --cacert Full path to the cacert.pem certificate authority used to verify ssl certificates (use with --verifyssl). if not given the cacert from Mozilla::CA cpan plugin will be used. -w, --warn=MIN_AVAILABLE_PROCESSES,PROC_MAX_REACHED,QUEUE_MAX_REACHED number of available workers, or max states reached that will cause a warning -1 for no warning -c, --critical=MIN_AVAILABLE_PROCESSES,PROC_MAX_REACHED,QUEUE_MAX_REACHED number of available workers, or max states reached that will cause an error -1 for no CRITICAL -V, --version prints version number Note : 3 items can be managed on this check, this is why -w and -c parameters are using 3 values thresolds - MIN_AVAILABLE_PROCESSES: Working with the number of available (Idle) and working process (Busy). Generating WARNING and CRITICAL if you do not have enough Idle processes. - PROC_MAX_REACHED: the fpm-status report will show us how many times the max processes were reached sinc start, this script will record how many time this happended since last check, letting you fix thresolds for alerts - QUEUE_MAX_REACHED: the php-fpm report will show us how many times the max queue was reached since start, this script will record how many time this happended since last check, letting you fix thresolds for alerts Examples: This will lead to CRITICAL if you have 0 Idle process, or you have reached the max processes 2 times between last check, or you have reached the max queue len 5 times. A Warning will be reached for 1 Idle process only: check_phpfpm_status.pl -H -u /foo/my-fpm-status -s mydomain.example.com -t 8 -w 1,-1,-1 -c 0,2,5 this will generate WARNING and CRITICAL alerts only on the number of times you have reached the max process: check_phpfpm_status.pl -H -u /foo/my-fpm-status -s mydomain.example.com -t 8 -w -1,10,-1 -c -1,20,-1 theses two equivalents will not generate any alert (if the php-fpm page is reachable) but could be used for graphics: check_phpfpm_status.pl -H -s mydomain.example.com -w -1,-1,-1 -c -1,-1,-1 check_phpfpm_status.pl -H -s mydomain.example.com And this one is a basic starting example : check_phpfpm_status.pl -H -s nagios.example.com -w 1,1,1 -c 0,2,2 All these examples used an HTTP proxy (like Nginx or Apache) in front of php-fpm. If php-fpm is listening on a tcp/ip socket you can also make a direct request on this port (9000 by default) using the fastcgi protocol. You'll need the FastCGI client tools enabled in Perl (check the README) and the command would use the -f or --fastcgi option (note that SSL or servername options are useless in this mode). This can be especially usefull if you use php-fpm in an isolated env, without the HTTP proxy support (like in a docker container): check_phpfpm_status.pl -H --fastcgi -p 9002 -w 1,1,1 -c 0,2,2 HTTPS/SSL: Adding --ssl you can reach an https host: check_phpfpm_status.pl -H -s mydomain.example.com --ssl Check --verify-ssl (false by defaut) --cacert and --sl for more options, like below (note that certificate checks never wortked on my side, add -d for full debug and tell me if it worked for you, you may need up to date CPAN adn openSSL libs) check_phpfpm_status.pl -H -s mydomain.example.com --ssl TLSv1_2 --verify-ssl 1 --cacert /etc/ssl/cacert.pem LICENSE: ======= GNU GPL v3
Reviews (1) Add a Review
Error message
by abdelbassit, December 31, 2017

Hello, I'm trying to use the script check_phpfpm_status.pl, but it gives me the error: FPM CRITICAL - We have a response page for our request, but it's an HTML page, quite certainly not the status report of php-fpm Any help, to resolve this problem, please?

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