Graphing and Trending

Highcharts for Nagios


Highcharts for Nagios offering good-looking interactive charts to you.
Zooming can be in the X or Y dimension, or both.
It can show/hide different data series and auto adjust X, Y axis.
You can directly export the chart to PNG, JPG, PDF or SVG format.

Current Version


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Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x




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Project Notes
Highcharts for Nagios * Import pnp4nagios rrd data to Highcharts. * Highcharts is a charting library written in pure JavaScript, offering intuitive, interactive charts to your web site or web application. 1.3.1 Fix some bug Created by ShaoPin Cheng, Taipei, Taiwan Install Note ---------------------------- 1.You must installed pnp4nagios above 0.6.x, NOT work with 0.4.x 2.Download highcharts4nagios.rar, unrar to ex:/usr/local/highcharts/ 3.Modify httpd.conf. 4.Add Nagios service config with action_url or notes_url to ex: notes_url /highcharts/highcharts.html?host=$HOSTNAME$&srv=$SERVICEDESC$ 4.Restart httpd and nagios. 5.Other note in my website.
Reviews (13) Add a Review
It open but doesn't show any graphic
by Cristhian_Plaza, December 31, 2016

I don't know what is happening with the addon, it doesnt show any graphic, when I clicked for submit it doesnt do anything moreĀ”.

Useful plugin
by nicola.sarobba, February 28, 2015

Very interesting. With this plugin you can see the pnp4nagios graphs relative to a service in only one graph. I also got the famous "blank page", because I run Apache with SSL and Firefox blocks mixed content: modify line 150 of highcharts.html from http to https and you can see the graph.

Nice job!
by krutaw, February 28, 2015

Okay seriously, this is awesome. Got it working with minimal effort (I too had to edit the highcharts.html to change the IP address). You know what would be an awesome followup to this? The ability to download the graphs via URL directly so that they can be included in email notifications.

Great graphing option
by embeegee, April 30, 2014

I have been using PNP for a few years now but some times it just lacks a little sharpness in looks. This does the trick. I have to be honest it took me several weeks of fiddling to get it working but in the end the fix for me any way was simple. at line 34 of the latest highcharts.html (v1.3.1) if (LocHost="your ip here") {LocHost="your ip here"}; // highcharts-IP & pnp4nagios-IP

FQDN > highcharts.html
by ehj, April 30, 2014

highcharts.html LocHost= to the FQDN

Solution for no graphs
by S54326, April 30, 2014

Hi, saw this addon, downloaded, installed and ... no graphs :( No clues in Apache logs. Eventually worked out why. We have to use Internet Explorer at work, but testing with Firefox the graphs show up! Found a clue on the Highcharts website about spurious commas. If you look at highcharts.html (from version 1.3), go to line 92 and remove the comma at the end of the line (not the one on the next line before yAxis: { ). Then go to line 137 and remove (or comment out) the comma at the end of that line (the one before //exporting ). Save the file and that solved the problem for me. :)

Graphs are not showing
by B0ris, March 31, 2014

Looks like i'm not the only one having problems installing Highcharts. I'm using all the latest versions of Nagios Core and Pnp4nagios. Installed Highcharts as described, but it is onlw showing timerange for select. Can't get it working for showing graphs. There is no errors in Apache log, and i have read installation instructions. Any suggestion ?

Makes graphs... not much else...
by bobbydale, February 28, 2014

I'd say this is a great start for making graphs look much better in Nagios, but the "Highcharts for Nagios" plug-in really needs a few more things. One item in particular would be a drop down of hosts/services to select.

Blank Graphs
by svarela, January 31, 2014

I cannot see the graphics although the installation is OK. I can put the timeranges, then I click submit and nothing. Could you help me? Thanks!

Excellent graphing tool
by pollastre, October 31, 2013

Although you have to read all the "readme" and "how to" when it finally works, gives a very professional graphics. If you are smarty enough you can customize the colors etc. Thank you very much for this tool.

Nice addon
by Fredrik, September 30, 2013

Great addon but some installationsteps are missing. You need to verify some values in highcharts.html to get the charts chowing. I had to change the LocHost= to the FQDN name of the server running Nagios/PNP4Nagios/Highcharts (the same machine for me). This is documentet in the html file directly but not in the readme or install file.

by nagiospig, January 31, 2013

Can someone post some basic steps for installing and integrating high charts with pnp4nagios?

Installed & used in my Nagios in 5 seconds! ;-)
by lucup, December 31, 2012

Really useful! Easy and quick to install! Thanks a lot!

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