check_snmp_brocade is a Nagios plugin to monitor the status of a single fc-port on a Brocade (labeled or original) fibre-channel switch. It is (in my opinion) the most complete plugin for brocades. I needs the MIBs from Brocade.By Martin Fuerstenau
Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
Martin Fuerstenau
The plugin itself
Sample command definitions
pnp4nagios template for fans and temperature
pnp4nagios template for SFP temperature
It monitors all the given port or the systeminfo (gobal and sensors like fan, temp etc.). If a Fabric watch license is installed it is possible to monitor the temperature of the SFPs.
Be aware that a nonused port should be disabled. Otherwise a plugin can't determine wether a ports partner is dead or a port is simply unused
Output from --help:
./check_snmp_brocade --help This monitoring plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence (see Usage: check_snmp_brocade [ -H ] [ -t ] [ -C|--community= ] [ -v|--snmpversion=<1|2c> ] [--port=] [ -P|--fc-port=] | [-s|--systeminfo [ --sensor ]] | [[ --sfptemp ] [--sfptemp_warn=] [--maxsfptemp=] [--allports]] [ -p|--performancedata ] [--multiline] This plugin check the selected FC-port of a Brocade (branded or unbranded) fibrechannel switch -h, --help Print detailed help screen -V, --version Print version information -H, --hostname=STRING Hostname/IP-Adress to use for the check. -C, --community=STRING SNMP community that should be used to access the switch. -v, --snmpversion=STRING Possible values are 1 or 2c. Version 3 is not supported. --port=INTEGER If other than 161 (default) is used) -P, --fc-port=INTEGER Port number as shown in the output of `switchshow`.Can't combine with -s -s, --systeminfo Get global data like boot date, overall status, reachability etc. --sensor Additional to -s. Status of powersupply, fans and temp sensors. --global Global data like boot date, overall status etc. -p, --performancedata Print performance data of the selected FC port. -t, --timeout=INTEGER Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15) --sfptemp Checks the temperature of all SFPs. --sfptemp_warn=INT This is the warning offset the critical temperature as delivered by the system. Default is 10 Celsius. MUST be used with --sfptemp. --maxsfttemp Maximum temperature for SFPs. If not set it will be taken from your switch. --allports Default is only to show ports which are too hot. With this flag all ports will be shown. MUST be used with --sfptemp. --multiline Multiline output in overview. This mean technically that a multiline output uses a HTML for the GUI instead of Be aware that your messing connections (email, SMS...) must use a filter to file out the . A sed oneliner will do the job.
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