Monitoring Agents



Simple N way multiplexor for executing one or conditionally two nrpe plugins over a number of hosts.

The result is the best case of all the hosts results. This is on the assumption that if the test works for at least one of the hosts that is an overall OK state.

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Compatible With

  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI
  • Nagios Fusion



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Project Notes
This plugin is intended for use with clusters of servers where it is OK if at least one of them is in an OK state, in fact if in a hot standby situation there should only ever be one actualy providing a service in some situations. Rather than just checking pairs of hosts this is generalised to run a provided nrpe test over N hosts and report the 'best' result of doing so. As an aditional twist a second nrpe script can be provided as a 'conditional and'. This script is only run against those servers which are an OK state for the first test. Writing a smarter plugin would be a better solution but this is available for when combining two existing proven commands is easier than getting a new one rolled out to hosts. The nrpe commands and their arguments is up to you, this is only a multiplexor. The command is executed the same on each host (i.e. exact same args). If you have the need for meta-data subsitutions (e.g. name of host passed), then be my guest - fix it :) How to sensibly present a compound result is a bit up in the air. You may need to tailor that to your needs. At the moment if there is a secondary command the results of that are reported, throwing away any results from the primary.
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