* Generic



Nagios check to monitor if the WAN ip address our dd-wrt router gets
from our internet provider is the one we expect it to be. I need to know
this to modify a DNS A record accordingly because I do not have a fixed
ip address.

The check retrieves the info web site from the router and parses it to
retrieve its WAN ip.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x




Project Notes
NAME check_wan_ip_ddwrt - check WAN ip address of dd-wrt broadband routers VERSION This documentation refers to version 0.1 USAGE check_wan_ip_ddwrt -H host -i ip.add.re.ss REQUIRED ARGUMENTS -H|--hostname host name or LAN ip address of our dd-wrt router; -i|--ipaddress expected ip address we want to check. OPTIONS -H|--hostname host name or LAN ip address of our dd-wrt router; -i|--ipaddress expected ip address we want to check. -h|--help this text; DESCRIPTION Nagios check to monitor if the WAN ip address our dd-wrt router gets from our internet provider is the one we expect it to be. I need to know this to modify a DNS A record accordingly because I do not have a fixed ip address. The check retrieves the info web site from the router and parses it to retrieve its WAN ip. DIAGNOSTICS This check can fail because of network problems (no connectivity to the router) or because the router does not have a WAN ip address (internet provider problem). CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT Place the plugin in the plugin directory of the nagios server (usually, /usr/local/nagios/libexec/), make the nagios user its owner and change the permissions to 775. DEPENDENCIES This plugin requires the LWP::Simple and HTML::TreeBuilder modules. On a recent Redhat based system you can install it like this: # yum install perl-HTML-Tree On a debian based system the package is called libhtml-tree-perl and you use apt-get so: # apt-get install libhtml-tree-perl On other flavours of unix, check your package manager documentation or use something like perlbrew with cpanminus. INCOMPATIBILITIES None known yet. BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Plenty, patches welcome :-) AUTHOR () LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perldoc perlartistic. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
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