Nagios CheckByJdbc plugin allows you to check a SQL query from a file on database ( Oracle, Microsoft SqlServer, Mysql and IBM DB2/400) by a JDBC connection. For CheckByJdbc plugin it doesn’t mind what database are you connecting and what your SQL query does, unless it adtopt the following convention:
* First column in result set must be number datatype following Nagios
STATUS convention:
– 0 : “OK” status
– 1 : “WARN” status
– 2 : “CRITICAL” status
– others: “UNKNOW” status
* Second column in result will be concatenated to Nagios STATUS string,
separated by commas ( ; ; …; )
* You can result more than one line. If your query reults more then one
STATUS then plugin return order is “CRITICAL”, “WARN”, “UNKNOW”, “OK”
* Do *not* turn verbose level > 0 running in production unless you don’t
mind for your STATUS message string
* You can use built in variables in your sqlfiles:
– ‘&w’: Warning command line parameter
– ‘&c’: Critical command line parameter
Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
- Nagios 3.x
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