


Nagios CheckByJdbc plugin allows you to check a SQL query from a file on database ( Oracle, Microsoft SqlServer, Mysql and IBM DB2/400) by a JDBC connection. For CheckByJdbc plugin it doesn’t mind what database are you connecting and what your SQL query does, unless it adtopt the following convention:

* First column in result set must be number datatype following Nagios
STATUS convention:
– 0 : “OK” status
– 1 : “WARN” status
– 2 : “CRITICAL” status
– others: “UNKNOW” status
* Second column in result will be concatenated to Nagios STATUS string,
separated by commas ( ; ; …; )
* You can result more than one line. If your query reults more then one
STATUS then plugin return order is “CRITICAL”, “WARN”, “UNKNOW”, “OK”
* Do *not* turn verbose level > 0 running in production unless you don’t
mind for your STATUS message string
* You can use built in variables in your sqlfiles:
– ‘&w’: Warning command line parameter
– ‘&c’: Critical command line parameter

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x



Project Notes
Check By Jdbc Nagios Plugin - version 1.0.c - READ-ME 1. Introduction 1.1. What is CheckByJdbc Nagios Plugin? Nagios CheckByJdbc plugin allows you to check a SQL query from a file on database ( Oracle, Microsoft SqlServer, Mysql and IBM DB2/400) by a JDBC connection. For CheckByJdbc plugin it doesn't mind what database are you connecting and what your SQL query does, unless it adtopt the following convention: * First column in result set must be number datatype following Nagios STATUS convention: - 0 : "OK" status - 1 : "WARN" status - 2 : "CRITICAL" status - others: "UNKNOW" status * Second column in result will be concatenated to Nagios STATUS string, separated by commas ( ; ; ...; ) * You can result more than one line. If your query reults more then one STATUS then plugin return order is "CRITICAL", "WARN", "UNKNOW", "OK" * Do *not* turn verbose level > 0 running in production unless you don't mind for your STATUS message string * You can use built in variables in your sqlfiles: - '&w': Warning command line parameter - '&c': Critical command line parameter 1.2. For developers that want to study and customize If you want to compile or adjuste source code, you must: * download plugin from repository * download JSAP-2.0a.jar and unzip it into directory * download jdbc drivers and leave it into CheckByJdbc directory. You can find up-to-date ones searching in Internet: - Oracle: classes12.jar - MySql: mysql-connector-java-5.1.18-bin - MSSqlServer: o sqljdbc4.jar (Windows) o sqljdbc_4.0.2206.100_enu.tar (Linux) - IBM DB2/400: o jt400.jar ( ) * file 'makefile.bat' ( '' for Linux) helps you to compile source code * all source code is in file '' * I've studied two others plugins available in Nagios Exchange: - check_db - check_tablespace_oracle These were two good plugins, but I'd like something that I could put my own custom SQL Query, and evaluate result as Nagios Status (OK, WARNING, CRITICAL, UNKNOWN). Some plugin compatible to any besides of Oracle. Some plugin that can connect by JDBC to any database to execute some query that can be customized in command line parameter. * Evolution proposed: - PL/SQL stored procedure check * I don't think it could help, I did everything I need using SELECT - Return adequated format performance data * Sébastien Guerin colaborated with this develpment and launched release 1.0.c 1.3. For pragmatic users that just want to download and use * download plugin from repository * download JSAP-2.0a.jar and leave it into CheckByJdbc directory * download jdbc drivers and leave it into CheckByJdbc directory. You can find up-to-date ones searching in Internet: - Oracle: * classes12.jar - MySql: * mysql-connector-java-5.1.18-bin - Microsoft SqlServer: * sqljdbc4.jar (Windows) * sqljdbc_4.0.2206.100_enu.tar (Linux) - IBM DB2/400: o jt400.jar ( ) 2. Installing and deploying CheckByJdbc plugin 2.1. Install Samples of Use - Execute all 'deploy*.sql' script into specific database * for Oracle Database: - deploy_orcl_*.sql * for Microsoft SQLServer: - deploy_mssql*.sql * for MySQL: - deploy_mysql*.sql * for IBM DB2/400: - deploy_db2*.sql (waiting for contributions) - View and execute each line of 'Samples.bat' ( '' for Linux ) manualy and observe result 2.2. Install CheckByJdbc Nagios plugin into your Nagios environment a) Set Nagios Home environment $ export NAGIOS_HOME='/usr/local/nagios' b) Unzip into '../libexec' subdirectory $ cd $NAGIOS_HOME/libexec $ unzip CheckByJdbc c) Change owner and permission $ cd $NAGIOS_HOME/libexec $ chown -R nagios:nagios ./CheckByJdbc/ $ chmod 777 ./CheckByJdbc/ $ chmod 777 ./CheckByJdbc/ $ chmod 777 ./CheckByJdbc/*.jar d) Configure a command for CheckByJdbc plugin $ cd $NAGIOS_HOME/etc/objects $ vim commands.cfg +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | : | | : | # 'check_by_jdbc' command definition define command{ command_name check_by_jdbc command_line java -cp $USER1$/CheckByJdbc/.:$USER1$/CheckByJdbc/$ARG1$ CheckByJdbc -d $ARG2$ -H $ARG3$ -p $ARG4$ -s $ARG5$ -l $ARG6$ -x $ARG7$ -m $ARG8$ -f $USER1$/CheckByJdbc/$ARG9$ -R "$ARG10$" -w $ARG11$ -c $ARG12$ -M "$ARG13$" -v $ARG14$ } | : | | : | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - Configure a service to check with CheckByJdbc plugin $ cd $NAGIOS_HOME/etc/objects $ vim localhost.cfg +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | : | | : | # define a service to be checked by CheckByJdbc define service{ use local-service host_name vmwsrv01 service_description CheckByJdbc Oracle Tablespaces check_command check_by_jdbc!classes12.jar!orcl!!1521!orcl!nagios!nagios!f!sqlfile1.sql!!80!90!CheckByJdbcTablespaces!0 check_interval 1 retry_interval 1 } define service{ use local-service host_name vmwsrv01 service_description CheckByJdbc Oracle Invalid Objects check_command check_by_jdbc!classes12.jar!orcl!!1521!orcl!nagios!nagios!f!sqlfile2.sql!&OWNERLIST='MANAGER','RM'!0!0!CheckByJdbc Invalid Objects!0 check_interval 1 retry_interval 1 } define service{ use local-service host_name vmwsrv01 service_description CheckByJdbc Oracle LongTimeUserQuery check_command check_by_jdbc!classes12.jar!orcl!!1521!orcl!nagios!nagios!f!sqlfile3.sql!!300!900!CheckByJdbc OrclLongTimeUserQuery!0 check_interval 15 retry_interval 15 } | : | | : | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - Test CheckByJdbc plugin outside nagios $ export USER1='/usr/local/nagios/libexec' $ export ARG1='classes12.jar' $ export ARG2='orcl' $ export ARG3='' $ export ARG4='1521' $ vexport ARG5='orcl' $ export ARG6='nagios' $ export ARG7='nagios' $ export ARG8='f' $ export ARG9='sqlfile1.sql' $ export ARG10='' $ export ARG11='80' $ export ARG12='90' $ export ARG13='CheckByJdbcTablespaces' $ export ARG14='3' $ $ java -cp $USER1/CheckByJdbc/.:$USER1/CheckByJdbc/$ARG1 CheckByJdbc -d $ARG2 -H $ARG3 -p $ARG4 -s $ARG5 -l $ARG6 -x $ARG7 -m $ARG8 -f $USER1/CheckByJdbc/$ARG9 -R "$ARG10" -w $ARG11 -c $ARG12 -M "$ARG13" -v $ARG14 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CRITICAL - CheckByJdbcTablespaces: [Tbs: MANAGER, Max: 464mb, Used: 463.375mb, %Used: 100% ] | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ A. Apendix A.1. References - Download from: * http://
Reviews (3) Add a Review
Great plugin !
by sebgue, February 28, 2013

As I have to communicate with DB2/400, I have had support for this database in your code. I have sent an e-mail to you with my modifications.

Good plugin. It works perfectly!!
by Belijar, September 30, 2012

Well documented with plenty of examples. I miss the procedure part to do some tests. I'm using it in a production environment. I encourage you to finish it. Congratulations to the author!

cannot download file
by bradock, May 31, 2012

Can check the uploaded file? Cannot download it, I tried several times in different days/hours...

Project Stats
4.3 (7)