CPU Usage and Load

Nagios CPU Plugin


This is a nagios plugin and supporting pnp4nagios templates to graph all of the various types of CPU utilization.

Current Version

Last Release Date

May 7, 2012

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Reviews (1) Add a Review
Nice idea...
by krutaw, February 28, 2015

The only thing I'd recommend is that you look at actually re-iterating the check of the stats so you can do a couple of things. First, it'll give you more than just a single point in time, but secondly, you can provide actual CPU %'s instead of just raw time output. Specifically, you would need to grab the data, wait a second and then grab the data again which you could then use math to calculate percentages. From there if you wanted to be really fancy you could all an average of x runs of the command to give a more "real" look into the system. Overall, good work.

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