


Nagios check to monitor if the mediawiki software version on a site is the latest production version of the mediawiki distribution.

Current Version


Last Release Date

May 17, 2012

Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x




Project Notes
NAME check_mediawiki_version - check if mediawiki software is up to date VERSION This documentation refers to version 0.1 USAGE check_mediawiki_version -H [-v true] [-n netlocation -r realm -u username -p password REQUIRED ARGUMENTS -H|--hostname web address of site hosting the mediawiki site; OPTIONS -H|--hostname web address of site hosting the mediawiki site; -n|--netloc hostname:port combination for webserver dns hostname. *NO* protocol (no http:// in it), just a simple or fully qualified name plus the port number. -r|--realm authentication realm; this is case sensitive. -u|--username -p|--password -v|--verbose standard this setting is 'false'. If 'true', then one can see extra debugging info of the http request; -h|--help this text; DESCRIPTION Nagios check to monitor if the mediawiki software version on a site is the latest production version of the mediawiki distribution. The check compares the x-meta-generator header of the GET http request and compares its result to the download link name in the site. When using this check for password protected sites (those where the webserver sends a 401 answer code and a pop up browser window requests us to enter a username/password combination), we need to enter in fact four arguments: the netloc, username, password and realm. The netloc (this is the name the libwww gives it) is a string formed by a combination of the dns hostname followed by ':' and then by a number. The number represents the port used by the webserver, usually 80. So the netloc for the site would be, without the http:// part which refers to the web protocol. For the other 3 arguments (realm, username and password) please refer to DIAGNOSTICS This check can fail because of network problems (no connectivity to the internet to check the version, for instance). Use the --verbose true parameter to get better information if it fails. This check does not (yet) work behind a proxy server. Patches welcome! CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT Place the plugin in the plugin directory of the nagios server (usually, /usr/local/nagios/libexec/), make the nagios user its owner and change the permissions to 775. DEPENDENCIES This plugin requires the WWW::Mechanize module. This is a very common module, so chances are it is already installed on your system. On a (recent) Redhat based system, you can install it using yum if you enable the repoforge yum repository: # yum install perl-WWW-Mechanize On a debian based system the package is called libwww-mechanize-perl and you use apt-get so: # apt-get install libwww-mechanize-perl On other flavours of unix, check your package manager documentation or use something like perlbrew or, as a last resort, the cpan shell, to install it. INCOMPATIBILITIES None known yet. BUGS AND LIMITATIONS This check assumes that the download link of the site is and that the mediawiki sites will continue to use an x-meta-generator header with the version used by the sites. If those things change, the plugin will fail miserably. AUTHOR () LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perldoc perlartistic. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Reviews (2) Add a Review
Updating script
by daiviermarquez, July 31, 2022

Besides changing the protocol form http to https in the following part of the script: my $mw_dl_url = ""; There must be added an elsif to handle the change from tar.gz to zip in the format available for download, like this: if ( $latest_url =~ m/.*mediawiki-(.*).tar.gz/ ) { $mw_latest_version = $1; } elsif ( $latest_url =~ m/.*mediawiki-(.*).zip/ ) { $mw_latest_version = $1; }

update for mediawiki
by phillipmoore, June 30, 2015

Great plugin, works as expected. Just an FYI, media wiki has updated their download page to use SSL, so the code needs to be updated and another dependency added. This part needs to be updated to use HTTPS instead of HTTP: # url download mediawiki software my $mw_dl_url = ""; also I am using Ubuntu and needed to install a dependency in order to get the new https site to load. "apt-get install libcrypt-ssleay-perl" should do it.

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