
Nagios Alert Emailer


A direct replacement for the basic nagios email command. This perl script will take standard Nagios commandline parameters and send an email to a configured email server, recipient and address.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 18, 2009

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Project Notes
This script is a direct replacement for the basic Nagios emailer. This perl script provides the following features: * Allows you to specify the senders email address * Allows you to specify the destination email address/group * Allows you to differentiate between Host and Service outages * Allows you to connect directly to any SMTP server * Doesn't require any local sendmail configuration * Uses standard Net::SMTP module * Runs within Nagios's embedded perl interpreter * Allows you to format the alert message subject and body * Allows you to send emails to different alert groups based on nagios configuration Configuration steps -------------- I put this in the nagios plugins directory /usr/local/nagios/libexec but you can put it anywhere. commands.cfg --- define command{ command_name notify-by-email command_line $USER1$/ -n "$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$" -h "$HOSTNAME$" -s "$HOSTSTATE$" -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" -i "$HOSTOUTPUT$" -d "$LONGDATETIME$" -e "$CONTACTEMAIL$" } define command{ command_name host-notify-by-email command_line $USER1$/ -n "HOST $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$" -h "$HOSTNAME$" -s "$HOSTSTATE$" -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" -i "$HOSTOUTPUT$" -d "$LONGDATETIME$" -e "$CONTACTEMAIL$" } define command{ command_name service-notify-by-email command_line $USER1$/ -n "SERVICE $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$" -h "$HOSTNAME$" -s "$SERVICESTATE$" -a "$HOSTADDRESS$" -i "$SERVICEDESC$ - $SERVICEOUTPUT$ - $SERVICECHECKCOMMAND$" -d "$LONGDATETIME$" -e "$CONTACTEMAIL$" } contacts.cfg --- define contact{ contact_name contact host_notification_commands host-notify-by-email service_notification_commands service-notify-by-email email .... rest of contact details .... }
Reviews (2) Add a Review
modern versions of Net::SMTP need removed
by john_lines, February 28, 2014

In my systems which run Debian Wheezy I needed to remove the at the end of the datasend lines i.e. $smtp->datasend("To: $mailto"); $smtp->datasend("From: $mailfrom"); $smtp->datasend("Subject: $mailsubject"); $smtp->datasend(" "); so that the headers acually are taken as headers. I also set the subject as: # $mailsubject = "Nagios Monitoring Alert: $opt_h is $opt_s"; $mailsubject = "$opt_n: $opt_h $opt_D is $opt_s"; which maximises the information in a view of mail messages with just headers, to prioritise dealing with alerts

by dimsum, October 31, 2011

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