


A perl script that checks all local NFS mounts by forking itself and trying to chdir to it and (optionally) writing to a file. It includes performance data and allows warnings based on thresholds.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 17, 2009

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Project Notes
A perl script that checks all local NFS mounts by forking itself and trying to chdir to it and (optionally) writing to a file. It includes performance data and allows warnings based on thresholds.
Reviews (3) Add a Review
Need a fix
by soprobr, July 31, 2014

Indeed it works only in command line. To work with nrpe I had to add the line bellow before all "use" lines: use lib "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins";

NRPE issues
by nagiospig, January 31, 2011

This plugin works great commandline but wont work with NRPE.

Best of the bunch
by bdp, July 31, 2010

Out of several plugins for checking whether nfs mounts are working, this is the best I've found. It actually tests whether the mount can be accessed, not just whether mtab or showmount report it as mounted. It does not freeze if the mount becomes unavailable.

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