


Latest Version of check_mem. This perl linux plugin checks the percentage of memory usage with performance data.

Current Version

Last Release Date

June 16, 2009

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Project Notes
This plugin may be used as nrpe plugin and checks the amount of memory free, used and total available by using the linux "free -mt" command. History: +++++ 1.8 Rouven Homann - rouven DOT homann AT cimt DOT de * added findbin patch from Duane Toler * added backward compatibility patch from Timour Ezeev +++++ 1.7 Ingo Lantschner - ingo AT boxbe DOT com * adapted for systems with no swap (avoiding divison through zero) +++++ 1.6 Cedric Temple - cedric DOT temple AT cedrictemple DOT info * add swap monitoring * if warning and critical threshold are 0, exit with OK * add a directive to exclude/include buffers +++++ 1.5 Rouven Homann - rouven DOT homann AT cimt DOT de * perfomance tweak with free -mt (just one sub process started instead of 7) * more code cleanup +++++ 1.4 Garrett Honeycutt - * Fixed PerfData output to adhere to standards and show crit/warn values +++++ 1.3 Rouven Homann - rouven DOT homann AT cimt DOT de * Memory installed, used and free displayed in verbose mode * Bit Code Cleanup +++++ 1.2 Rouven Homann - rouven DOT homann AT cimt DOT de * Bug fixed where verbose output was required (nrpe2) * Bug fixed where perfomance data was not displayed at verbose output * FindBin Module used for the nagios plugin path of the +++++ 1.1 Rouven Homann - rouven DOT homann AT cimt DOT de * Status Support (-c, -w) * Syntax Help Informations (-h) * Version Informations Output (-V) * Verbose Output (-v) * Better Error Code Output (as described in plugin guideline) +++++ 1.0 Garrett Honeycutt - * Initial Release
Reviews (2) Add a Review
Great plugin
by kabamaru, September 30, 2023

Many thanks to everyone that spend their personal time to write this.

Exactly what I was looking for
by CircaLucid, January 31, 2015

I was just looking to monitor Linux memory usage in Nagios. Only tweaks I made were to sed out the HTML tags and set DONT_INCLUDE_BUFFERS to 1. Excellent plugin though.

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