Passive Checks

send_nrdp Bash NRDP Client


Bash implementation of the send_nrdp client. Revision 0.1 – Send NRPD script for Nagios

Usage: -u URL -t token [options]

Usage: -h Help file

This script is used to send NRPD data to a Nagios server

-u, URL of NRDP server. Usually http://<IP_ADDRESS>/nrdp/
-t, Shared token. Must be the same token set in NRDP Server

Single Check:
-H host name
-s service name
-S State
-o output

-d delimiter (default “t”)
With only the required parameters is capable of
processing data piped to it either from a file or other
process. By default, we use t as the delimiter however this
may be specified with the -d option data should be in the
following formats one entry per line.
For Host checks:

hostname  State   output

For Service checks

hostname  servicename     State   output

-f /full/path/to/file
This file will be sent to the NRDP server specified in -u
The file should be an XML file in the following format

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<checkresult type="host" checktype="1">
<checkresult type="service" checktype="1">

-D /path/to/temp/dir
This is a directory that contains XML files in the format
above. Additionally, if the -d flag is specified,
will create temp files here if the server could not be reached.
On additional calls with the same -D path, if a connection to
the server is successful, all temp files will be sent.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI

Project Notes
Reviews (2) Add a Review
Doesn't seem to support Nagios 3.x multiline results
by John Ericson, February 28, 2013

This plugin works fine for me, except that it doesn't seem to support check-plugins that outputs multiline results. This is a new feature in Nagios 3.x from what I can tell. I have one of those in my setup, check_jmxeval, that does two tests at the same time. The output is like this: JMXEval CRITICAL - 2 checks, 1 critical [Threads], 1 ok [1] Threads CRITICAL - ThreadCount is 73 [2] PeakThreads OK - PeakThreadCount is 73 | threadCount=73;150;100 peakThreadCount=76 time=0.0s All that is returned to my Nagios server after this script generates the XML-code and sends it is the first line, like this: JMXEval CRITICAL - 2 checks, 1 critical [Threads], 1 ok I would like to see support for multiline output implemented in this script in the future. Right now I'm looking for a work around for this problem.

Minimal Requirements
by mguthrie, November 30, 2012

Only requires curl or wget to run. For setting up a passive check it doesn't get more lightweight than this!

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