
NetBackup latest backup status check by Policy name


Heavily modified version of the original plugin by Ryosuke Matsui *** This script is for MS-Windows environment *** This PowerShell script works with NSClient++ on MS-Windows environment. You can check the latest backup status of NetBackup POLICY in last 24 hours (configurable).

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x



Project Notes
*** This script is for MS-Windows environment *** This PowerShell script works with NSClient++ on MS-Windows environment. This is a heavily modified version of check_nbu_backstat.ps1 by Ryosuke Matsui that allows to check policy name instead of client name. Also nbuerror.csv is updated with more error codes. You can check the latest backup status of NetBackup within 24 hours or arbitrary value. This script is written in the MS-PowerShell, is used for Windows NetBackup Master server. << Distribution Files >> 1. check_nbu_backstat2.ps1 <-- this script 2. nbuerror.csv <-- CSV file << How To Install >> [check_nbu_backstat.ps1 Settings] 1. Copy "check_nbu_backstat.ps1" and "nbuerror.txt" into the scripts folder of NSClient++(ex. C:Program FilesNSClient++scripts). 2. Modify / Check the values of $nbuBin and $statFile if you need. [NSClient++ Settings] 3. Add the following setting in the [Wrapped Scripts] in the section in the "NSC.ini". check_nbu_backstat=check_nbu_backstat2.ps1 $ARG1$ 4. Enable the settings in the "NSC.ini". - port=5666 - command_timeout=60 - allow_arguments=1 - allow_nasty_meta_chars=1 - script_dir=scripts - socket_timeout=30 - 5. Restart the "NSClient++" service. [Nagios Settings] 6. Add the following setting to Nagios "commands". $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c check_nbu_backup -a $ARG1$ $ARG2$ 7. Add new Nagios "service" to check status of the backup job. * The backup policy name that you want to check the latest policy status have to be set to $ARG1$ in the "service" setting. $ARG2$ is number of hours to go back, e.g., daily 24, weekly 168. << Evaluation Environment >> - NetBackup 7.x - Windows Server 2008 R2
Reviews (1) Add a Review
Good heavy modification ! :-)
by ryosuke_mt, February 29, 2012

Thank you very much for your good modification ! And I am sorry for my complex & poor script. I have to learn plugin scripting more ! I like Nagios, NetBackup and your excellent plug-in.

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