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Monitoring F5 BigIP TMM Utilization with Nagios and SNMP


In this blog you will find a perl script, which you can use to monitor F5 BigIP TMM utilization with Nagios and SNMP.

Current Version

Last Release Date

October 22, 2009

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TMM utilization - percentage of use
by hiperesfera, January 31, 2012

Hi first of all thanks so much for this plugin, great work! I would like share with you something I have spotted as I have been using this plugin and always getting the same log output [code] " TMM ulitization= 1 " [/code] Having a look the script the function to round the variable I think it is not correct [code]# Round to integer $tmm_cpu = int($tmm_cpu + .5);[/code] This is truncating the decimals with the int casting as you are only adding 0.5 and the number is in a range between 0 and 1, so I have changed it and now it is displaying fine: [code] # Round to integer $tmm_cpu = int($tmm_cpu * 100); [/code] just multiplying by 100 you get the percentage [code] xxxx:/usr/local/nagios/libexec # ./check_f5_tmm.pl HOST STRING 76 90 OK: TMM utilization is 51 | pct=51 [/code] hope it helps, thanks

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