Trend Micro

Trend Micro OfficeScan


Check plugin to monitor the state of a Trend Micro Office Scan server.

Current Version

Last Release Date

September 17, 2011

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Project Notes
Arguments: -v count virus infections in last days. -t warn if more than infections were found in last days. -u return error if last virus definition is older than days. Default values: -v 10, -t 0, -u 8 Also returns an critical error if the service is not running. To compile, use Microsofts Java Script Compiler (JSC,jsc.exe) included in MS .NET Framework. Use this script with NRPE or NSClient++. For NSClient++ include as follows: [NRPE Handlers] check_office_scan=scriptscheck_office_scan.exe
Reviews (4) Add a Review
Work with Win64 bits!
by j.santos, July 31, 2016

Hi guys, I re-compiled the file "check_office_scan.js" and it worked. Open the file in the text edtitor and change the line number 102. Before (win32): var InstallKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARETrendMicroOfficeScanserviceInformationLocal_Path"; After (win64): var InstallKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeTrendMicroOfficeScanserviceInformationLocal_Path"; Save the file and re-compile using the own server .NET Framework: Is usually in C:WINDOWSmicrosoft.netFramework64v(xxxxxx - .NET version) Copy the "check_office_scan.js" file to this folder. Open the command prompt, go to the .NET folder and run the command: jsc.exe check_office_scan.js Will generate a new executable compatible with Windows 64-bit!

i cannot get this work with officescan 10
by stadium28, June 30, 2015

ive tryed to recompile but the registry key its missing in office scan 10 with a 2012 server. Regards

nice Tools
by abonow, December 31, 2014

Hi nagiosexchange the Tool is nice thx, but it can not do with 64 Bit Systems. A change would be that become this 64 bit capable.

not working for me
by MaxWinterstein, August 31, 2013

throws not found exception on win2012srv german.

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3.6 (9)