Hewlett Packard

Check Compaq-HP UPS Mode


Checks working mode (online, bypass, offline, …) on CPQUPS-MIB SNMP compatible Hewlett-Packard (HP) UPS devices.

Current Version


Last Release Date

July 21, 2011

Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x



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Project Notes
This plugin checks the working mode on a CPQUPS MIB compliant HP UPS device. Instead of just reporting MIB working modes, it reports modes based on working mode and battery status. Supported modes are: Online: Power supply present on UPS input, load is battery protected. Bypass: Power supply present on UPS input, but load is NOT battery protected. Offline: Power supply is NOT present on UPS input, load is battery protected, battery charge is not low. Offline battery low: Same as previous but battery is low. Offline battery depleted: Power supply is NOT present on UPS i nput, battery is depleted so load is NOT protected. Instead of using factory set battery low level threshold, user can select it using argument -l. Plugin return value is set comparing the current working mode with a comma separated working mode list set for triggering warning and critical states. Plugin returns battery load percent and battery backup time (in minutes) as performance data.
Reviews (2) Add a Review
Download URL doesn't work !
by B0ris, October 31, 2015

Download URL doesn't work !

Download link is broken
by altmas5, July 31, 2014

It looks like you updated your website without taking note of this link

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