Nagios XI Documentation

Installing The Nagios Ubuntu and Debian Linux Agent


In order to monitor a Linux/Unix desktop or server with Nagios XI, you must first install an agent on the target machine. This guide takes you through the steps of installing and configuring the Linux agent in preparation for monitoring the machine with Nagios XI.

The XI Linux agent is simply a combination of NRPE, the official Nagios Plugins, and a few additional plugins, along with some specific NRPE configuration file options.

The Linux agent installation is currently supported on RHEL/CentOS 5+, Fedora 14+, SLES 11+, OpenSUSE 11+, Ubuntu 12+, and Debian 6+. These steps will likely also work with little to no modification on other distributions, such as CrunchBang, easypeasy, gNewSense, Xandros, MEPIS, Mint, Knoppix, Baltix, Guadalinux, eBox, Untangle, and Vyatta.

Current Version

Last Release Date

July 8, 2011

Compatible With

  • Nagios XI


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