Check cpu, men and pagin space for AIX


Plugins AIX to monitore :
– cpu (cumul,us,sy,id,wa,pc).
– mem (srfr,numperm,pctused).
– pagin space.

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Compatible With

  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x


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pgspace usage was wrong
by beli-consulting, February 29, 2016

Please find my fix below: .... .... .... retour_srfr=$(vmstat 1 2 | awk '{ print $8" "$9 }' | tail -1) fr=$(echo $retour_srfr | cut -d " " -f1 ) sr=$(echo $retour_srfr | cut -d " " -f2 ) retour_numperm=$(vmstat -v | grep numperm | sed 's/ //g' | cut -d " " -f 2) retour_inuse=$(svmon | awk '{ print $3 }' | head -2 | tail -1) retour_memory=$(svmon | awk '{ print $2 }' | head -2 | tail -1) retour_pguse=$(svmon | grep "pg space" | awk '{ print $4 }') retour_pgsize=$(svmon | grep "pg space" | awk '{ print $3 }') .... .... .... pgspaceused) retour_pg_used=$(expr 100 * $retour_pguse / $retour_pgsize) str_out="$str_out $retour_pg_used% " if (( $retour_pg_used > $valw)) then ok=1 fi if (( $retour_pg_used > $valc)) then ok=2 fi # Sortie au format perfparse echo "$str_out PgSpaceUsed = $retour_pg_used%;| PgSpaceUsed=$retour_pg_used%;$valw;$valc"; exit $ok ;; esac .... .... ....

Improving The performance of the script:
by lucup, February 28, 2015

Hi, good! But just you can improve the performance of the script avoiding the first step where you execute all the systems commands invocation. If you move them to each select cases. Cosider that in the firs option: srfr the (vmstat 1 2) is too slow, so if you want to execute the orther options: numperm|pctused|pgspaceused, is better to avoid the invocation of the (vmstat 1 2), just invoking the vmstat -v that is faster. :-) So here the script modified: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/sh # #------------------------------------------------------- # Check du taux d'utilisation mmemoie sur AIX - Fabrice Dupre - 11/01/08 # Moving the systems command invocation to each select cases. - LUCUP - Lucas Moreschi - 27/02/2015. #------------------------------------------------------- Syntaxe() { echo " " echo " Command Syntaxe: [-c val] [-w val] [-t srfr|numperm|pctused|pgspaceused]" echo " " exit 3; } #------------------------------------------------------- if [[ $# == 0 ]] then Syntaxe fi valw=0 valc=0 while [[ $# > 0 ]] do par=$1 case $par in -c) shift valc=$1;; -w) shift valw=$1;; -t) shift type_sortie=$1;; -h) shift Syntaxe exit;; *) shift;; esac done ok=0 str_out="CHARGE MEM:" xcpu=0 total=0 case $type_sortie in srfr) retour_srfr=$(vmstat 1 2 | awk '{ print $8" "$9 }' | tail -1) fr=$(echo $retour_srfr | cut -d " " -f1 ) sr=$(echo $retour_srfr | cut -d " " -f2 ) #echo "sr : $sr - fr : $fr" if [[ $sr -gt 0 ]] && [[ $fr -gt 0 ]] then str_out="$str_out $(expr $sr / $fr)% " if (( $(expr $sr / $fr) > $valw )) then ok=1 fi if (( $(expr $sr / $fr) > $valc )) then ok=2 fi # Sortie au format perfparse echo "$str_out Srfr = $(expr $sr / $fr)%;| Srfr=$(expr $sr / $fr)%;$valw;$valc"; exit $ok # Sortie au format non perfparse #echo "$str_out Srfr = $(expr $sr / $fr)%"; exit $ok else str_out="$str_out 0% " # Sortie au format perfparse echo "$str_out Srfr = 0%;| Srfr=0%;$valw;$valc"; exit $ok # Sortie au format non perfparse #echo "$str_out Srfr = 0%;"; exit $ok fi ;; numperm) retour_numperm=$(vmstat -v | grep numperm | sed 's/ //g' | cut -d " " -f 2) #echo "Numperm : $retour_numperm" str_out="$str_out $retour_numperm% " if (( $retour_numperm > $valw )) then ok=1 fi if (( $retour_numperm > $valc)) then ok=2 fi # Sortie au format perfparse echo "$str_out Numperm = $retour_numperm%;| Numperm=$retour_numperm%;$valw;$valc"; exit $ok ;; pctused) retour_inuse=$(svmon | awk '{ print $3 }' | head -2 | tail -1) retour_memory=$(svmon | awk '{ print $2 }' | head -2 | tail -1) retour_p_used=$(expr 100 * $retour_inuse / $retour_memory) str_out="$str_out $retour_p_used% " if (( $retour_p_used > $valw)) then ok=1 fi if (( $retour_p_used > $valc)) then ok=2 fi # Sortie au format perfparse echo "$str_out MemUsed = $retour_p_used%;| MemUsed=$retour_p_used%;$valw;$valc"; exit $ok ;; pgspaceused) retour_pguse=$(svmon | grep "pg space" | awk '{ print $3 }') retour_memory=$(svmon | awk '{ print $2 }' | head -2 | tail -1) retour_pg_used=$(expr 100 * $retour_pguse / $retour_memory) str_out="$str_out $retour_pg_used% " if (( $retour_pg_used > $valw)) then ok=1 fi if (( $retour_pg_used > $valc)) then ok=2 fi # Sortie au format perfparse echo "$str_out PgSpaceUsed = $retour_pg_used%;| PgSpaceUsed=$retour_pg_used%;$valw;$valc"; exit $ok ;; esac

Wrong calculation in mem
by zaxxon, December 31, 2012

Hi, just noticed that the calculation of used Paging Space is done wrong: expr 100 * / ps_size It should be: expr 100 * / ps_size Or you could just grab the used size in percent from the output of "lsps -a". Also expr does not allow floats which will cause a problem anyway. awk will work. Multiple allocated Paging Spaces are pretty but could happen and are not considered. Cheers zaxxon

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