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Check Interfaces Operational Status


Plugin to check operational status on a RFC 1213 (IF-MIB) compliant network device

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Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x



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Project Notes
Checks the operational status of an interface list on a IF-MIB compliant network device. Plugin let us checking the operational status of an interfaces list given. If all interfaces are UP then the plugin state is OK, if not, if almost one of the interfaces has an operational status different to UP state, plugin checks if the interface is in the warning interface list or in the critical interface list to return the plugin state. An example should make this more clear. check_iface_status -H -u 1..5,8 -w 1,8 -c 2..5 In this case, plugin checks interfaces 1,2,3,4,5 and 8 of a device with address, and possible states are: - OK, if all checked interfaces has a operational status equal to UP - WARNING,if any of the interfaces 1 or 8 haven´t a operational status equal to UP - CRITICAL, if any of the interfaces 2, 3, 4 or 5 haven´t a operational status equal to UP - UNKNOWN, if it cant´s establish a SNMP connection or another undetected error. Also, plugin can be used in test mode to know if SNMP access is enabled to your device and if it supports IF-MIB. An example of it could be: check_iface_status -H - OK if it passed the test. A list with the found interfaces with the id, operatinal status and description is shown too. - UNKNOWN if test didn´t pass the test. Plugin is fully embedded Perl compatible (ePN).
Reviews (1) Add a Review
A very good command
by viettrungits, August 31, 2012

Many thanks you. This command work very well on my NagiosServer. Thanks you very much, Trung Le Viet

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4.5 (2)