Configuration Wizards

Host Creation Tool


This tool lets you create hosts in bulk. Ideal for adding hosts of a similar type quickly. It does NOT add services. You need a list of hosts, their addresses and optionally a description in a spreadsheet / CSV format. The format is address,host name,description If you did not want a description then the format is address,host name Here are some examples: VMware ESX Servers esx1.yourdomain.local,ESX1,ESX1 – Production esx2.yourdomain.local,ESX2,ESX2 – Production esx3.yourdomain.local,ESX3,ESX3 – Production esx4.yourdomain.local,ESX4,ESX4 – Testing esx5.yourdomain.local,ESX5,ESX5 – Testing Windows Servers,SERVER01,Active Directory,SERVER02,Active Directory email.yourdomain.local,SERVER04,SERVER05,SERVER06,Email,SERVER17

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios XI



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Project Notes
Version Notes: 2010-11-30 * Initial release, tested on Nagios XI 2009R1.3G 2010-12-05 * Corrections made to wizard code as supplied by mguthrie from Nagios. 2011-05-08 * Updated wizard so it does not require the Linux Server Wizard to be installed for this wizard to complete, as per the "blank screen" problem reported by efesperman. 2012-08-12 * Added the option to provide a description field as suggested by Nagios Support Forum user htel * Tool will detect most wizards that come supplied with Nagios XI 2011R3.2 * Added additional error checking on user supplied data * Moved JavaScript and CSS to seperate include files * Tested on Nagios XI 2011R3.2
Reviews (2) Add a Review
by maluther, May 31, 2013

So first off, thank you for this incredibly handy wizard! Second... I have an issue. I added several hosts and applied the configuration. I then realized I mis-typed the description for them all, so I deleted the hosts from Nagios XI and applied the configuration changes. Now when I go back to add all of the hosts, I get the following error for each: IP Address or FQDN has a space: HOSTNAME So now I can't bulk add all of the hosts even though they don't actually exist in the NagiosXI config. I'm pretty new to Nagios XI, but I imagine this has something to do with the database that tracks changes before applying them to the flat .cfg files in the nagios directory? Am I close at all? How do I go about solving this predicament? To any that provide feedback, thank you for your help! Regards, MarkOnThis

Great tool!
by mguthrie, February 28, 2011

Works as explained, an excellent tool for migrations or mass host creation.

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4.5 (2)