
Nagios Business Process Intelligence (BPI)


Nagios Business Process Intelligence is an advanced grouping tool that allows you to set more complex dependencies to determine groups states. Nagios BPI provides an interface to effectively view the ‘real’ state of the network. Rules for group states can be determined by the user, and parent-child relationships are easily identified when you need to ‘drill down’ on a problem. This tool can also be used in conjunction with a check plugin to allow for notifications through Nagios.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI
  • Nagios Fusion


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Project Notes
Demo Video Documentation: Using The BPI Addon To Upgrade on Nagios XI: -IMPORTANT: Back up your bpi.conf file or you will lose all of your BPI Groups!. cp /usr/local/nagiosxi/html/includes/components/nagiosbpi/bpi.conf /tmp/bpi.conf - Follow the install instructions below - Replace the default bpi.conf file with your existing copy cp /tmp/bpi.conf /usr/local/nagiosxi/html/includes/components/nagiosbpi/bpi.conf To Install on Nagios XI: -Download the zip file, and use the Admin->Manage Components page to upload and install the component. - Also see the BPI Wizard to create checks for your Business Processes. To Install on Nagios Core: Nagios BPI Community Edition
-Download to your /tmp directory and unzip the file, detailed instructions are in the INSTALL file. To Monitor BPI Groups as a Service (Nagios Core): - install the above check_bpi.php script to your plugins directory. - Modify the include path in the check_bpi.php script to point to your api_tool.php file (located in your root nagiosbpi directory). - USAGE: ./check_bpi.php (group_ID) Nagios XI BPI Wizard: Download The BPI Wizard Support: -Email me with feedback, support questions, or bugs. You can also post to the Nagios General Forum CHANGELOG CHANGELOG
Reviews (8) Add a Review
Excellent job done by Mr.Stecino...
by nishith, July 31, 2016

This review rating is meant for Mr. Stecino only for providing nice way guidance to run Nagips BPI very well. Below are the perfect steps: * cd /tmp * git clone git:// nagios-nagiosbpi * cd nagios-nagiosbpi * cp -R nagiosbpi /usr/local/nagios/share * *cd /usr/local/nagios/share/nagiosbpi * mkdir /usr/local/nagios/share/nagiosbpi/tmp * chmod o+rx config_functions functions images tmp * chmod o+rxw tmp * chmod +x Edit "/usr/local/nagios/share/nagiosbpi/constants.conf" as below: CONFIGFILE= /usr/local/nagios/share/nagiosbpi/bpi.conf CONFIGBACKUP=/usr/local/nagios/share/nagiosbpi/tmp/bpi.conf.backup ##optional xml output of BPI group data. USE ABSOLUTE DIRECTORIES FOR ALL FILE LOCATIONS XMLOUTPUT=/usr/local/nagios/share/nagiosbpi/tmp/bpi.xml Finally, open NagiosBPI: http://Nagios_IP/nagios/nagiosbpi Enjoy....!!!

Good notes on Installing BPI, codeset includes missing files
by stecino, October 31, 2014

For those who had issues in installing the BPI follow this post on Nagios Forum

Need 1.3.1 version
by johnmoody1, October 31, 2013

The link above only provides the version 2 of BPI which is only compatible with Nagios XI. If we can't get a v2 for Core, can we at least get a link to the last version that worked with Nagios Core?

don't work - Nagios Core
by fran.pastor, September 30, 2013

zip don't contains tmp dir, file, constants.conf file... I installed nagiosbpi in the past and it worked perfectly. Now it seems that the INSTALL file is outdated. Can not install.

There ain't no such
by ronator, July 31, 2013

This review is considering the installation and documentation Nagios Core only. This might be a great Add-On but I have to rate it as very poor because there is no such file as mentioned in the INSTALL file. I consider this really poor. As a work-around, it would have been nice to know what permissions/privileges are needed so one could do it manually. Right now I'm only guessing (like chown nagios:www-data) and guessing is rarely good when reliably mapping business processes into Nagios. If I get it running manually I might change the rating.

Very nice tool
by damn-86, June 30, 2013

Is there still any development in this tool?

Nice easy to configure
by cverbiest, January 31, 2011

Easy to install. Easy to configure. Nice overview. Disable iexplore compatibility mode or use Firefox or Chrome One drawback I found is that failure of a non essential service causes a critical state for the group if it is the only non essential service. I would prefer if failure of non essential services would cause a warning state.

by Cheng, November 30, 2010

Field-aligned will be better

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