Windows NRPE



VBScript: for a given directory, it finds the most recently modified file and checks if its modification date is older than [w] or [c] minutes. It also checks if the file size is at least [z] bytes.
It’s useful for monitoring incremental log files with names that change with the dates.

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Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x


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Project Notes
Output values: 0=OK, 1=Warning, 2=critical, 3=unknown This script can be useful for monitoring application log file names that change with the date. For example, I often want to check if a process is still generating a log file (and that the file is not empty). Intended for use with Nagios check_nrpe / nsclient++. It accepts four arguments: - directory path - warning age (in minutes) - critical age (in minutes) - minimum file size (in bytes) sample command line execution: cscript check_MostRecentFile.vbs c:testdir 1440 2880 10 NOTE: Files with the "hidden" attribute are intentionally excluded by the script, but this can be easily changed if needed.
Reviews (2) Add a Review
In reply to peakyblinder
by jlovegrove, December 31, 2014

@peakyblinder - I believe you have to use short paths. You can find out the short path of a directory by CMD>DIR /X DIR /X gives you the short file name for each file/folder. Example: C:PROGRA~1MICROS~3 is a short path to Program FilesMicrosoft SQL.

What to do about spaces?
by peakyblinder, April 30, 2014

This works great except when you want to use spaces in your directory paths. If you know of a workaround or how to specify the command it would be a great help. Thanks,

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4.5 (2)