Other Tutorials And HOWTOs

Database Monitoring with Nagios


Database Monitoring with Nagios is a article with links to a collection of database monitoring plugins and descriptions of monitoring methods.

Current Version

Last Release Date

October 7, 2010

Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x


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Project Notes
Many modern business software applications use a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) as their backend data store. Relational databases are optimized fast transactional operations and they allow to build comprehensive data views by querying organised data (data-warehouse). With these databases and their stored data being at the "heart" of applications, database "health" is critical. Typically, IT organisations have dedicated staff, DBA's, to look after them. To relieve them of routine tasks and improve on issue escalation and resolution, automated database monitoring with a tool like Nagios is a good idea. The linked article describes several ways of monitoring databases through Nagios, and links to several database plugins.
Reviews (1) Add a Review
This howto is unusable for todays needs
by spicy_suresh, October 31, 2010

Sorry, using check_tcp for database monitoring??? Maybe this was state of the art in the 90's. And even more weird...java-plugins. Did the author ever see an installation with more than 1 database? Imagine you have hundreds of databases to monitor or a few sap databases with 200 tablespaces each. Can you even imagine what happens if you fire up a java-plugin for every tablespace in 5-minute intervals? And what about reading the nagios plugin devloper guidelines? performance data? command line arguments? If you want to monitor databases seriously then check_oracle_health and it's cousins are the way to go.

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