Monitoring Agents



HDTP (HTTP Data Transfer Plugin)- It is plugin for passive checks of linux servers, which allow you to execute Nagios plugins by started forks for every checks and send result to the Nagios server by HTTP protocol.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 3.x


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Project Notes
This plugin has a manager part, which is located on Nagios server, and an agent part, which is located on observed server. Manager and Agent are not demons, they are started by crone. The manager part on a server is python web script, which uses the web-server to get data from agent. On observed server, the agent is executive script, which executes all checks from hdtp.conf by creating forks for checks. The hdtp.conf contains a list of checks and other params for work, for example hostname of observed server. This agent allows using HTTP protocol and doesn't open owner port or reserve port for him only. Works with proxy, nat, firewall. [INSTALLING] How to install agent: 0. Need install nagios-plugins package 1. tar xvfpz hdtptgz 2. mkdir /etc/hdtp cp ./hdtp.conf /etc/hdtp/ cp ./hdtplugin /usr/bin/ cp ./hdtp-agent.crontab /var/nagios/home/ 3. chmod 755 /usr/bin/hdtplugin chown nagios:nagios /usr/bin/hdtplugin 4. need create user nagios (or other) for start agent crontab -u nagios /var/nagios/home/hdtp-agent.crontab How to install manager: 0. Need install web-server Apache(for example) and nagios. 1. mkdir /usr/share/nagios/hdtp/ 2. cp ./ /usr/share/nagios/hdtp/ cp ./hdtp_report.conf /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/ cp ./cmd_data_manager /usr/bin/cmd_data_manager cp ./hdtp-manager.crontab /var/nagios/home/hdtp-agent.crontab 3. chmod 755 /usr/bin/cmd_data_manager chown -R apache:apache /usr/share/nagios/hdtp/ 4. crontab -u nagios /var/nagios/home/hdtp-manager.crontab
Reviews (1) Add a Review
Passive check results via apache+mod_python
by su007, April 30, 2012

Nice python scripts allow using your web server to receive passive check results. Check command definitions and the plugins are on each client. This allows full functionality for Unix based hosts, but with passive communication. You will want to fully review and edit each script, put the agent scripts in a separate directory, read the docs, and it can be working in an hour or two. Downsides are the docs are not so great (might have to play with mod_pythong), but not too difficult to understand still.

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