Websites, Forms and Transactions

Check basic authentication


This plugin is used to authenticate against a web page using basic authentication and to check that the web site is allowing user logins. It can also check for a string once authenticated to verify the page is as expected and produce timing information for nagios statistics.

I’ve tested it against Microsoft Exchange outlook web access (owa), Microsoft Sharepoint and Apache basic auth pages.

Current Version


Last Release Date


Compatible With

  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI
  • Nagios Fusion





Project Files
Project Notes -u -l -p (-c -w -e -v) -u # url string to run basic auth against -l # username to login with -p # password to login with -c # the number of seconds to wait before a going critical -w # the number of seconds to wait before a flagging a warning -v # displays nagios performance information -e # string to query on the authenticated page -s prints status line (debugging info) -d prints page contents (debugging info) e.g -u -l testuser -p testpasswd -c 10 -w 3 -v -e "Hello sweetie" Comments are welcome!
Reviews (5) Add a Review
Bad User Don't Works
by felipecamposcortes, December 31, 2013

Hi... I have the same problem with a bad user... Return AUTH OK Please Help Me

Useful but I've some problem?
by egalstad, January 31, 2013

Hi, I tried to use it. From command line it works great! But when I execute plugin from nagios, I get this response: HTTPAUTH OK: host authenticated successfully HTTPAUTH: Critical - ExitTrap: 0 (Redefine exit to trap plugin exit with eval BLOCK) at /usr/bin/ line 61 And then service is down! Even if I execute command in terminal with debugging options (-d or -s), "HTTPAUTH: Critical - ExitTrap...." doesn't appear... May you help me, please? Thanks in advance :-)

Like vijragha
by Koobal, October 31, 2012

Hi, I had the same problem than vijragha, I tried with wrong user and it still return me : host authenticated successfully. How did you resolv that please ?

Not working
by vijragha, October 31, 2012

Hi, I tried check basic authenication. I have given wrong password also. Still it gives me successful message. My requirement is, I have a portal, in which I want to do authentication. Can you please explain how this is working?

Logs onto Exchange Email via OWA
by tomcelica, October 31, 2010

This works very well. We are running owa logons to Exchange 2010, X-2007, X-2003. The OWA login tells us a lot... 1. Active Directory is authenticating Accounts. 2. The Exchange Database is Mounted and accessible. 3. OWA is configured Properly and running. 4. Our Firewall is Up and conveying https traffic to our Exchange Servers. Thanks a Lot for writing this elegant and useful plugin. Cheers -tom

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Project Stats
3.4 (5)